Your view of BMC for Int' Student

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I’m an International student seeking for greener pastures. I’m in a wonky situation, as I’m going through a tough freshmen year at my local university. Its both the enirovnment (e.g. peers) and the major problem. I’m still looking around for schools to transfer, and I just came across BMC. I don’t really know much about BMC, but I’d like to know whats your own opinion of BMC and see if its a fit here. I’ve already gone through a lot of schools, and I was told repeated I’m not the type for big, urban schools. </p>

<p>For extra details, I’m actually a Law undergraduate student (UK system, but not in UK). I really wanted to do something w/ IR/Political Science/Area Studies for a change, and also to meet people who actually put studying as a high priority. I’m just more kind of geek-ish student who isn’t into partying (due to my conservative upbringing). Now, I’m kind of an oddball here, when everyone’s into partying mad. </p>

<p>Just say anything thats in your mind, all the good and bad stuff! </p>

<p>P.S Is BMC really cold?</p>


<p>My name is Saskia. I’m also applying to BMC as an international transfer for fall 2009, so I’m in the same boat as you. Currently I’m studying English & Spanish at a UK University. I would definitely recommend applying to BMC. Are you looking for just a girls’ school, if you are then I would also recommend looking at Smith, Wellesley and Mount Holyoke as they are also quite competitive. The university I attend is Queen’s University Belfast, and to say that its a party school would be a huge understatement!! I stick out a lot at my present school because I’m very serious about my studies. What university are you currently studying at? What made you decide to transfer to a US college? I definitely want a Liberal Arts education that will give a lot of financial aid. You should visit this website <a href=“"></a> as it gives student reviews on all US universities. My email address is <a href="”></a></p>

<p>Hey Saskia,</p>

<pre><code> I see we’re pretty much in the same or similar situation =). I stand out in my class, because I’m more about studying and less about partying. Though perhaps, partying here isn’t really serious partying. I study in Hong Kong as a Law undergraduate. I’m doing stuff pretty similar to what UK Law students are doing, but I don’t really like it. I just like to go to a place where I can be myself, and not be thought of being “weird”.

I heard Wellesley is really hard to get in, and I look into the other two suggestions you gave. I used to study in a private girls school, so girls or coed, so it doesn’t really matter. But I’m told I’m not the kind that fits in in a large school, so I’m looking around for smaller schools (My current school is pretty big…like around 25000 students?).

Oh, if any BMC ppl can say a bit about financial aid for foreign students, please do so. I’m wondering whether to apply for aid, since it is a bit expensive, but only on the condition they are need blind =(.


<p>My school has around 24,000 students as well so I’m definitely looking for a small liberal arts college. If your applying to Bryn Mawr you should definitely mention that you studied at a girls school, as well as discussing the benefits of studying in an all female environment. I also studied at a girl’s private school for two years. Bryn Mawr isn’t need blind, the financial aid for international students is quite limited. I’m applying for full-financial aid, so fingers crossed. </p>

<p>I would definitely recommend applying to Wellesley, however, since your an international student you would have to apply for first year admissions rather than as a transfer as your coming from a non-US university, which sucks. Other schools that are reasonably generous towards international students requiring financial aid are Amherst, Smith, Yale, Mount Holyoke, Grinnell. I think I might have mentioned these ones already. Have you got any preferences as to which colleges you want to apply for? The deadline for Smith College is February 1st but the rest are March 1st. Have you already applied on common app? None of these schools required the SATs or ACT, but its a good idea to send them if you already done it.</p>

<p>Hmm…I can’t tell you anything about financial aid, but Bryn Mawr sounds exactly like what you’re looking for. That said, I’m just an applicant, not a student there, so. </p>

<p>And no, it shouldn’t be too cold. Maybe a bit of snow, but not too bad. ^^</p>

<p>About the other schools saskia mentioned, if you’re looking for schools that won’t be too crazily selective, I’d say Mt. Holyoke, Smith, or maybe Grinnell (I dunno much about this one). Mt. Holyoke is beautiful, small, all girls, and overall a lot like Bryn Mawr. Smith, too, though it’s not quite as aesthetically pleasing. None of the ones listed are known for being party schools, and all definitely fit your specifications.</p>

<p>Hi firefly,</p>

<p>Are you also applying as an international transfer? My top schools so far are BMC and Smith, but I have no idea when I find out the admissions decision for Bryn Mawr</p>

<p>Aw, no, just a regular RD applicant, sorry. ^^</p>