<p>GPA: 4.0 uw
Rank: 1/756 (2 people hold this rank, including me)</p>
<p>SAT I: 2300 (750v, 800m, 750w) - i got 2180 first time. 2300 is my retake score.</p>
<p>SAT II:
Math2c - 800
Korean - 800 (yes im a native =[ )
Physics - 780</p>
key club(9-12)
california scholarship federation (9-12)
Tae kwon do (9-12) - i am a first degree black-belt
Tennis (10-12)
Environmental science club (10-12) - i founded this club
hospital volunteer (10-12)
I went to this summer program called COSMOS and did labs/projects (it is a research program by the UCs that lets the high school students use college facilities)</p>
1st place presenter in COSMOS astrophysics/astronomy.
2nd place in technical report for ASCE annual popsicle bridge contest
3rd place in presentation for ASCE annual popsicle bridge contest
and I got some school awards for best in science and math.</p>
<p>Our school doesn't offer AP Physics (infact, our school didn't even offer honors physics until this year), but I took AP Physics B during my junior year and am taking AP Physics C right now (these are online classes through UCCP program). I was the only person in our school to take AP Physics B and I am the only person in our school to take AP Physics C. I also took physics at UCLA during the summer of my soph/junior year and received an A+.
And I am one of the two people in our school taking AP Calculus B/C.</p>
<p>Oh, and I think I have really good recommendations. My teachers said that I am one of the top few in their careers. I'm not sure about my essays. </p>
<p>New scores quite good, obviously no need to retake anymore. </p>
<p>Activities good, initiative in take Phys outside of school good, COSMOS good.</p>
<p>Your background definitely has more than enough to support a successful bid, especially with good recs. Now it's all you -- don't be boring. Entertain the people who read your essays; show that behind these great stats is an interesting person (not just a dedicated plugger.) If you do, I'd feel pretty good about the app.</p>
<p>No. English is unlikely to hurt significantly.</p>
<p>Give your essay to a friend and ask if they think it's exciting. Ask, did this make you want to stand up and clap, or go meet this brilliant kid? If not, consider working a little more :)</p>
<p>So namkim, I'll be seeing you at the bridge competition this spring? Technical report and presentation are the only categories we haven't swept the past three years, so make them good ;)</p>
<p>But I hear they changed the rules because of us, so you just might have a chance :).</p>
<p>(Don't get me wrong; this is all in the spirit of good competition. Look forward to meeting you! :p)</p>
<p>We're probably going to send two teams to both places this year -- last year we went to UCI but we couldn't find where the competition was held, so we tore off to CSUN.</p>
<p>I'm not sure which one I'll be going to, yet -- probably UCI, since I have friends I'd like to visit. Besides, I want to compete with Grant again. :D</p>