Ze students at U of M

<p>Hello to all!</p>

<p>I was down at UM during christmas break, right after new years. I LOOVED the campus, although no students were there. omg was it the most gorgeous campus i've ever seen ever ever. Ever. But besides that fact, I went back mid february to audition at the frost school of music..a TOTALLY different feeling. Yes, the campus was still pretty, but...i had a different impression. THe students seemed quite distant and a little arrogant, but then again, maybe it was just me. Is this really what the students are like or was I on something that day? haha. Also, it seemed like there was a lot of diversity, but a big selling point for me is gay communities at colleges, AND, it didn't seem like there was much of a prevalent community, but then again i had little time to research it. Are the students really distant or is it easy to make friends? Just nervous b/c decisions come out soon and this was , and still maybe one of my top choices i really don't know :P</p>

<p>I have asked many ppl about how welcoming and or arrogant ppl are on campus. Well here is the response i got from many (including a video i found from theU):
- Most ppl are really wealthy (logical due to tuition) and dress really well. Most ppl do dress preppy and ppl for th emost part are dress conscious. I dont really mind becuz well, I like dressing sort of preppy.
- There is a lot of diversity on the campus. Miami from personal experience as i have lived in 5 countries, does recruit heavily outside the U.S. The majority though of international students are spanish speaking from Latin American or chinese from Asia.
- Are ppl arrogant? You have a pretty descent sized Laguna Beach wannabe crowds. Generally that group is really arrogant etc... In my high school i have studied amongst them and well I didnt love them but managed to get a long.
HOWEVER, everyone has told me this IS NOT the majority. There are many interesting ppl on campus who are very welcoming and friendly unlike the shallow Laguna Beach crowd.
- I dont know anything about a gay community at UM. I will be frank with u, I dont think theres even an organization listed with relation to that sexual orientation. However Miami is a huge, cosmopolitan city where from what I hear is quite liberal in certain parts (south Beach). Coral Gables though, is not that liberal.</p>

<p>I'm curious about the students at Miami as well. When you say distant, do you mean the students looked cliquey? </p>

<p>And what's wrong with students who are arrogant?</p>

<p>I actually want to go to a school with an arrogant student body (My schools all seem to have that crowd...LMU, UCSB, SDSU, and ASU). This might sound weird to you guys, but I would love to be at a school where they think their school is better than everyone elses and that they are the best people in the world. I should fit in perfectly...haha, UMiami is so great!!!</p>

<p>...wow...that is seriously so random lol. I want down to earth people! Pride is different than arrogance, you see. What I mean by distant is that all they do is shove their noses upwards and talk on their cells, you know, just extremely "distant" in some way or another. plus it's aLLLL athletic, so yeah. i'm not an athlete by any standard!</p>

<p>I think there are all types at UM, but like with any school you have to find your own. Some kids come from wealthy families, but many are there on scholarships and are not from wealthy homes. As with most private school populations, there are some arrogant and superficial people, but I think those are the ones you tend to notice the most. Sometimes you need to look a little harder to find the people that are more down to earth. </p>

<p>I don't know anything about the gay community at UM, but I do know there are gay students.</p>

<p>YEa exactly there are many groups in UM. There is a lot of school pride and love towards the Cane's football team both within campus and by the residents of Miami Dade county. If you dont like all that school spirit stuff, well be aware that Miami does have a lot of love for the Cane's. </p>

<p>I know what Jeremy means, arrogant ppl are hard to get along with. I have lived among a school full of arrogant ppl for 4 years but i fortunately got along and made friends easily. Miami is not all stuck up arrogant ppl. They do exist and ppl are dress/brand conscious cause well ur in an expensive school in an expensive city :D, but Miami is reallly diverse (one of the most diverse student body's in the U.S) and thus you see all sorts of personalities on campus.
I would not worry about not finding a click in Miami. Im going to visit the campus in a few weeks and ill see if i can coroborate wat others have told me about the student body :P
I hope I can.</p>



<p>So true. I think acarta and Lily have it right although I would change the "most students" in acarta's posts to "many students". There are many students that fit the preppy, brand conscious, spoiled brat stereotype, no doubt about it, but there are many students that do not. Preppy is probably the last word anyone would ever use to describe my S and he has had no trouble finding other students like himself. He has a great circle of friends at UM who are just regular kids. If however you are looking for a school with mostly laid-back down to earth people, UM is probably not the place.</p>

<p>The UM website lists the following group under it's student activities section. I would send an email to the contact address and ask for some more info.</p>

The GLBC fosters pride through education, awareness, advocacy, and involvement and provides support for all members.
Contact: <a href="mailto:umglbc@umiami.ir.miami.edu">umglbc@umiami.ir.miami.edu</a></p>

<p>I am just cracking up reading some of these posts. Has anyone been to Miami from April to September? It is so hot and humid that you sweat like a pig going from one building to the other. The opportunity to dress really well is dismal and most students dress like bums! ( shorts and t shirts !) I believe that there are arrogant people and snobs wherever you go and certainly Miami is no exception. If there is a superficial emphasis on something is about "looking good" ( bod wise ), perhaps topped only by people from California...</p>

<p>And gay life? South Beach ! Miami has also become a very cosmopolitan city. It is a heaven of italians (from Italy not Brooklyn ), brazilians, etc. The school gets a lot of wealthy south americans who perhaps are a little bit more snobbish than others. But overall, if you like diversity, people from everywhere , excellent wheather and academics and a growing reputation...Miami is the place for you!</p>

<p>about the whole gay issue... have you ever seen ' The Birdcage ' ?! I think a gay person would be ok in Miami</p>

<p>Haha! Groenveld9, you are my new hero :P (that is an all-time favorite movie of mine :P)</p>

<p>is it so awsome, agador spartacus is just so damn cool</p>