
<p>Does anyone have experience with using the Zipcar service at UA? From the website, it appears there are two cars available on campus. Our son has done fine without a car for his first semester, although a couple of times I am sure it would have been nice to have one, but he has a seminar this semester that rotates every Monday between UA and two of the other colleges in Tuscaloosa and he will be staying on campus this summer. We are considering the Zipcar service because he really doesn’t need a car more than a couple of times a week.</p>

<p>I don’t know about availability on the UA campus, but I will share a cautionary tale about Zipcar. Check into insurance details. In general, Zipcar carries insurance only to state minimum levels, which are sometimes VERY low. Your individual policy may cover your student in a Zipcar or not - check with your insurance company (I had a hard time getting a clear answer form mine). </p>

<p>My son was using Zipcar at his college in NY and backed into something. Tiny fender bender scratch on the bumper. They charged him the deductible - $500. That’s fine I guess, but I started looking into it, and realized he wasn’t covered for big things beyond NY’s minimums, which was something in the $30,000’s. So if he got in a bad wreck and totaled two cars, injured 5 people, etc - I don’t think he would have been covered adequately. We took the $500 fender bender as a cheap lesson and won’t use Zipcar again.</p>

<p>^ Thanks! Great point. I will have to verify coverage with our insurance company.</p>