UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Medical Ethics

also called Bioethics[ul]
] (Canada – but same rules apply) – Keep these 4 main pillars of medical ethics in mind when answering questions that relate to this topic
[li][/ul][/li]In traditional interviews, you’re usually given a medical ethical scenario in which there isn’t a “right” answer, although there may be “better” answers. Common classic topics/questions in medical ethics in medical school interviews – abortion, euthanasia, giving a blood transfusion to a child who needs it whose family is a Jehovah’s witness (Jehovah’s witnesses don’t accept blood transfusions), end of life issues, see link #3 – to see common topics in medical bioethics and familiarize yourself with them. Don’t STRESS about knowing the fact details and ins and outs. If you have any questions, please ask them in the CC thread so we can answer any confusing topics.

Keep in mind the overlying theme in terms of answering – do what you would want the IDEAL physician to do if you were a very sick, vulnerable patient (which all of us in our lives have been or eventually will be), not necessarily what a doctor ACTUALLY does in real life.

Some ethical situations will be slam dunk type scenarios – see my traditional interview questions post. In which case those are mainly to test that you’re an ethical person (or at least as much as an interview can test for that).