UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program


So here’s how it works:

The new students just very recently coming off of the waitlist from each specific pool have 2 full weeks time to respond to their new BA/MD offer from UMKC (which they can either accept or reject). Once that 2 weeks is over, the admissions office again looks at the final class roster and sees if there are still any remaining spots left in the class. If there still are, they repeat the same above process with people further down the waitlist, and they keep repeating the above process, until the Year 1 class eventually does fill. Once the class has actually filled, the admissions office will send an email to everyone on the waitlist that the class is now full and no further offers will be made

So if you’re still on the waitlist and haven’t heard anything yet, it just means you’re still on the waitlist, but it’s not like you get an email after each 2 week cycle telling you that. The only contact the admission office will make with people on the waitlist are to those whom they are extending an offer and once the class has filled to let people know that no further offers will be made.