LAMDA U.K. Drama vs.uncsa

My MT son is in his third (last) year at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, in Glasgow. Everything Connections and EmsDad have posted above, regarding going to undergraduate school in the UK, is pretty spot-on. We had the same discussions (summer stock, representation, student visa limitations, etc.) with our son when he was trying to decide whether to stay in the states or go to RCS. It was a tough decision for him, but what ultimately was the deciding factor was the opportunity to spend 3 years abroad in an amazing city, at a top-notch conservatory. He didn’t want to be 40 and look back thinking that he “woulda shoulda coulda.”

He’s grown so much-- schooling in the UK IS much more independent for the student. No meal plans! (That’s what killed me the most, as a mom, honestly.) But, he’s traveled and made friends from around the world. And, as previously mentioned, going to school in the UK has been SO much cheaper than schooling in the States. A LOT. (Glasgow is most likely more affordable than London.) He’s even working in a local boutique hotel and loving it-- Int’l students can work on their visa (just not in entertainment, and get paid.)

Good luck with the decision…it’s not an easy one…we’ve been there. Either way, he’ll be in a good place.