UMich vs UIUC Engineering

@PurpleTitan what I am trying to point out is that UIUC has this multiple programs that is not being thoroughly discussed nor educated to students and their families. Main reason is admission process itself, it distributes students upfront between UE and PREP even before applicants can foresee its full implications. Well a UE is not a truly UE as UE student has to pick a subject of their interest in order to get out of UE (one can’t pick Mech class and get a transfer into CS and vice a versa). Problem is that lots of border line kids ends us in PREP instead of UE because of admission process. To put in perspective, a student from my son high school pick UE (that student has far less high school credential in all aspects and no one has any hook) and my son ended up in PREP because he picked CS first at this choice and had no interest to go to other eng disciplines, He couldn’t even pick CE as 2nd choice because of mutual exclusive choices. Now that other student in UE is able to get into CS during 2nd semester with <3.75 GPA in first semester and my son has to work hard both semesters to get >3.75 GPA in order to get into CS, fortunately he has proven himself so far and is far ahead from 3.75 GPA requirement. Point is that UE and PREP should be combined as one program as it favors UE over PREP for less credential students and combined program should provide a level playing field for everyone.
Not a single advisor (in our case) even mentioned UE and if they did it was just high level one liner statement. Even we have heard cases for PREP students, that advisor didn’t allow the classes students are needed in order to transfer into that major, e.g. if you don’t get ME class how can you transfer into Mechanical eng. after 1st year?
Even we have experienced, on multiple occasions, multiple advisors, my son was discouraged to get into PREP. That really raised the question for us what is the role of advisor really, to discourage w/o proper guidance?
UIUC with such a great history, making this kinds of admission flubs is beyond understanding.
I hope this year they have better plans for PREP students then what they have last year.
Based on our experience I would definitely recommend students to take UE over PREP as UE makes transfer much easier and earlier.