@CU123 : Congratulations to your daughter. Obviously she is the right student for Univ of Chicago. But Univ if Chicago got a lot of wrong students. In terms of “Engagement” scores, I found that they are pretty reasonable for the top 20 schools on WSJ/THE list.
Rank/ School/ Engagement rank
1 Harvard University 142
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 304
3 Yale University 68
4 Columbia University 170
5 California Institute of Technology 601-800
6 Stanford University 52
7 Brown University 6 (tie)
7 Duke University 68
9 Princeton University 501-600
10 University of Pennsylvania 106
11 Cornell University 52
12 Dartmouth College 25
13 Northwestern University 34 (tie)
14 University of Chicago 499
15 Rice University 34 (tie)
16 Carnegie Mellon University 16
17 University of Southern California 6 (tie)
18 Washington University in St Louis 34 (tie)
19 Vanderbilt University 68
20 Emory University 170