Many Universities appear to be managing the release of CDS data by one or more of the following techniques:
~ Switching GPA data reporting format from C11 to C12 (e.g., University of Pittsburgh) and or
~ Omitting data, such as GPA, from their publicized report while listing it as "very important" (e.g., Northeastern).
Meanwhile, SAT scores and rejection rates are headlined. In the market place, this focuses the consumer/guidance councilor to emphasize SAT scores and rejection rates. If the goal of the data is to get a handle on the quality of the student body, the unweighted GPA is arguably the best single variable.
Universities at the top of the “rejection ladder” are aware of the problem. Stanford is trying to address this issue. See
Another attempt to address this problem is test optional admissions. Largely by default, we have defined the markers of success as SAT scores and rejection rates. See