Can more graduated seniors do "actual results" threads?

Wish I had known about this thread when we were researching schools. Our HS Naviance wasn’t that accurate for elite schools, so we were flying blind chasing merit and financial aid, and hoping for the best.


Hispanic male
Medium suburban public school in MA

UW GPA: 3.95
W GPA: 4.64

9 Aps:

  • Calc AB (5)
  • Calc BC (5)
  • Stats (5)
  • Physics 1 (5)
  • Chem (5)
  • Bio (4 pandemic shut down)
  • Computer Science A (5)
  • Computer Science Principles (3 pandemic shut down)
  • Spanish (5)

ACT: 36 superscore

  • Math 35
  • Science 35
  • English 36
  • Reading 36

Essays ~7-8
LoRs ~8-9
Interviews MIT ~7, others were 8-9

ECs + Honors/Awards:

  • Eagle Scout
  • Club – founder
  • 4yrs Varsity athlete – captain
  • Part-time jobs
  • Spanish Seal of Biliteracy Distinction
  • AMC12 school winner
  • Recognition Award
  • National Merit Commended
  • NHS

Major: Math, computer science

Accepted, merit/financial aid per year:

  • MIT $ financial aid - attending
  • Colorado School of Mines $14K merit
  • Miami of OH - $25K merit
  • Michigan Tech $16K merit
  • Northeastern $37K merit+financial
  • Northwestern $ financial aid
  • Tufts $ financial aid
  • University of Alabama Tuscaloosa - $42K merit
  • UMass Amherst $0
  • Wesleyan $ financial aid
  • WPI $23K merit


  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Notre Dame
  • Princeton
  • Williams


  • GeorgiaTech
  • UVA Virginia

Good luck seniors.
Hang in there, you can breathe in January.