Chance a rural, low-income student interested in bio research for T20 and make recommendations!

I would also become very familiar with the net price of schools. It’s not always a matter of seeing whether they say they meet 100% of need or not. That’s because schools define what the need is. Some schools are more generous in terms of the cost of transportation, books, and living expenses, while others are not. This post can give you an idea of what I mean.

College Navigator is a site set up by the federal government, and it lists an array of information like the number of majors in a field from the most recent graduating class. It also includes the net price, so how much families at different income levels paid. It will show the typical price for a family with an income of $0-30k, $30-48k, and $48-75k (and there are categories going even higher). So this can also be a quick way to see whether the school’s Net Price Calculator (which is more detailed and going to be more accurate) is likely to be in the right ballpark or not.

Do you have an idea if your budget is less than $5k? $10k? $15k? $20k?