Chance me for T10 schools

Hey everyone,
Thought of hopping into this thread .
I’m applying to grade 11 & 12 to a few of the ten schools ,as an International student
(I’ve applied to a couple of other schools outside of the US)
Would love if you could predict my chances

Rank 1, Top 2% of my class since the last three years. We are graded on a 100 point scale and I’ve mostly (except for 1-2 90s I have been getting 93+s) This equals to A+ or A1 grade.
We have a very rigorous Math & Science curriculum (covered almost 490s level coursework from grade 8-10)

Student Council Co- President
Initiated a DEI awareness sub-org, conducted workshops, developing curriculum with 15 curriculum developers from around South Asia
Conducted research under a Cambridge professor (pertaining to humanities)
Photography (4 years of experience, sent portfolio to BS)
Writing (Creative Non-fiction & Non-fiction, 3+ years, submitted previous works to BS)
Community service (taught girls from underprivileged backgrounds English & Maths)
Swimming ( learnt in middle school, although I don’t do it competitively bc of lack of opportunities here, I’ve contacted the coaches too)
Part of a Civic & social awareness organization (completed their fellowship, currently selected as a voting & contributing member in their DAO)
Speech & Debate- represented my school at national level, participated in a few Model UNs

1 by a recognised global org for photography
1 for community service
2 grants
And 3-4 other ones in debate, spell bee & , science fair



I’m pretty close to both my Math & my English teachers
My mentor from the research program has written the special interest rec-
My personal rec’s been written by a US based youth organizer (currently in college)

My main reason for applying to BS was to get to live in a diverse community & make use of the immense academic & EC opportunities available there. The education system is pretty different to what I currently do, and it’s empowering in so many ways!

As you said, you’re applying for finaid as an international. Unfortunately, no matter how qualified you are, that makes it incredibly difficult to get into any school despite your amazing profile (even E/A, which I believe are only NB for domestic students). I wish you good luck.

Hi! Thank you so much, though I’ve confirmed from their AO and they’re Need Blind for Internationals as well! Do you think this might help?

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That’s good to hear! It’s still harder to get in as an international, but you definitely have what it takes.


You sound like a great candidate, but applying for a spot in grade 11/12 is really tough. In one of Exeter’s webinars, the Dean said they “maybe” took one 11th grader per year. He basically cut off a prospective 11th grader’s question to tell her she had little chance due to her grade. She never even got to ask her question.
I would look outside of “top ten” schools if you really want to attend boarding school next year. Any school would be lucky to have you, but there are so few spots and so many high-achieving kids!


Thank you for your review @ boarding school mom, and yes I was actually in that webinar if you’re talking about the one in Fall 21!
So i also checked up with thr AO personally regarding this and they take around 20-25 new uppers.

And I think they probably take just 5-7 international juniors, but let’s hope for the best!

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That’s odd; I believe that my grade at Lawrenceville has ~15 new juniors, and I can think of at least 3 off the top of my head who are internationals.

This was from a Fall 2021 Conversation with the Dean webinar presentation/interactive call. Apparently, the AO has different information which is good for OP! Glad he took the extra effort to ask. I probably would have just given up if I was cut off like that in a Zoom webinar (with faces showing). I felt terrible for the girl who asked, it was a cringe moment.

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We have a bunch of new juniors as well, most seem to be repeat juniors and athletes. Some international, including a couple of Canadian hockey players. I think more this year than normal because covid killed sports seasons for a lot of kids and they need another year to get noticed and have a chance to get recruited to play at the next level.

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