Chance my Kiddo: Indian Male applying to US - AS [AAC*B*] and A-levels, 1510 SAT, Decent ECs, Good essay and LORs [US citizen outside the US; EE or ME major]


  • US Citizen, S.Asian (Indian), did middle school in US, High-school in India
  • State/Location of residency: US Citizen, but no state residency / Family currently living in India
  • Type of high school: Competetive school that offers Cambridge curriculum (IGCSE/CAIE-AS-A-Levels0
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional):S.Asian (Indian) Male
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): None

Intended Major(s): Major in Engineering (Electrical or Mechanical), minor in Economics or Business

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: AS-levels: A in Math, A in Physics, C* in Chemistry, B* in Economics; Expecting predicted grades for A-levels to be the same also
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): N/A
  • College GPA (for transfers):-
  • Class Rank:- N/A
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1510 (710 English, 800 Math)

CAIE: (11th and 12th) AS and A levels, Math, Physics, Chemistry, English and Economics; Spanish for IGCSE: (9th and 10th): Coordinated Sciences, Mathematics, English, Spanish, Global Perspectives, Business Studies

Awards - None

1/ MUN (2 years), 2/ Volunteer at Animal Shelter, 3/ Volunteer at 2 NGOs, 4/ 2 Internships

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)

  • Common App Essay - 7/10
  • Counselor LOR - 8/10
  • Math teacher LOR - 8/10

Cost Constraints / Budget

  • Would like any scholarships, but for the right school (TBD), parents + uncle can fund

Schools - need suggestions -

  • Safety ASU/UofArizona UC Boulder, U of Tennessee
  • Likely: SUNY Stonybrook and Buffalo, Rutgers, NCSU, Michigan State
  • Match: RPI, U.Pitt, Virginia tech
  • Reach: Purdue, G.Tech

Arizona State University should be an admission safety if the high school course work matches up with the admission requirements listed at . Engineering majors have slightly higher standards (see and ), but which the student should meet if the high school course work matches up to the admission requirements.

But check the price and possible scholarships at to make sure that it is affordable.


Thanks for the reply.
Coursework meets requirements of most schools (unless someone asks for 1 yr or History or Arts).
I am curious about the Match and Reach schools on the list. Realistic or not?

Tagging @MYOS1634 who is familiar with international grading systems and may be able to opine on how competitive your son is.

Just to confirm: up to $80k/year? (at RPI, the most expensive school on your list).

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Is this your student currently taking a gap year?

Arizona State University does have an “art or career technical education requirement” and a US history requirement, so check on admissibility with those course deficiencies before assuming it to be a safety.

No, why do you ask? Thx

Sure. But plenty of Indian kids from here who get in w/o those requirements…

Because if your student is taking a gap year, it will be important for the student to explain what they have done during that time. That’s why I asked.

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@MYOS1634 do you have any info about this?

To the OP, my opinion…you need to look at what the colleges require, and make a plan to adhere to those requirements for admission. Don’t assume you will get accepted without meeting the requirements for each college.


Did you take Global Perspectives both iGCSE years?
Usually this is considered equivalent to world history+geography but you need both years (or another social science before the igcse exam year).
Then due to the A Level system you’d only be expected to have 3 subjects for ALevels. Having 4 is both good (easier to pivot) and bad (because of the C in chemistry).
Right now you’ve got AA A- and B, in US terms, but your application would be strongest if you applied for Business or Economics with your Math, Physics, and Economics predicted scores.

You could apply to the Honors College and Business school at ASU and UA.
What appeals to you at Colorado Boulder or UTennessee? I would replace these with UNew Mexico and Cal Poly Pomona and/or Cal Poly Humboldt for Engineering

For Engineering - Clarkson, RIT, UMass Lowell
For Business - Bryant, UCincinnati (co-op), NCSU, Michigan State (+Honors college), SUNY albany (+Honors)
“Undecided” (“DUS”) Penn State

For Engineering- WPI, SUNY Buffalo, Union, NCSU, Michigan State, Iowa State,
For Business: Bentley, RPI, Pitt, SUNY Binghamton

For Engineering-Rutgers, Penn State, UMN TC, VTech, RPI, Pitt

In my opinion, Purdue and GTech are out of reach.

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@MYOS1634 Thanks for the detailed reply.

  • Global Perspectives - Yes have taken it over two years (9th and 10th grades)
  • Didn’t think of applying to Econ major - hmm, have to ask my son if he’d like that over engineering, especially if it gets him to a better school
  • Don’t know how the C in Chem will be viewed. Most course plans for Engineering have CHEM as optional in Freshman year. (Son hates Chem, loves Math and Physics. :man_shrugging:
  • Re: Tennessee and Colorado - he was looking at Flagship state schools w Good engineering programs. Tennessee requires SAT and he figured he’d stand a good chance w his SAT score (Plus some merit??)
  • Didn’t think of Cal States or UNM. Will look at your list and discuss.

Appreciate you reading this.

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Got it. Thanks…

Got it @thumper1 - thanks!

That’s a good rationale for Colorado and Tennessee. I do think there are better Honors colleges, unless ot was revamped recently (like UAZ did) but if he has a few safeties with a good shot at Engineering and Honors college no problem. He could have one in each region of the country then choose based on ease of access, weather, and/or political climate.


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