Anyone participate in the CWRU in MADRID, SPAIN program?
DD just accepted class of 2027 and would love to hear feedback from anyone who participated (or who decided not to and why). Thanks!

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Will start at main cleveland campus Spring of 2024 after fall semester in Spain

S23 is in same boat


I was looking for more information. Does anyone know if you can opt out?

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I don’t think so. But it is an interesting offer! Very good opportunity to learn Spanish and go on a great adventure. More details needed RE: classes and how that would work exactly

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I wonder how big the cohort is?

I honestly have no idea, because i can’t find information on it ANYWHEREE except the CWRU website?

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Did you by chance take any spanish classes during highschool? Just wondering how I was selected.

AP French, and surprised to see Spain. Do they have other countries or only Spain as option?

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is there anyway to opt out of this program?

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We’re in the dark on this as well. High school French. No intention of having applied to this program. Confused as everyone else.

@bopper Any insight?

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DD is also in French. But Spanish is relatively easy and good for them to learn

I didn’t know that CWRU did this. Sounds like a pretty amazing opportunity, kinda sad my daughter didn’t get chosen for it! However, I know that she will look into a study abroad option:)


One thing that’s cool is that other programs require previous Spanish (4th semester at least) vs. this doesn’t have a prerequisite (good and bad)

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Same here my son too has the same offer 1st Semester in Madrid and the remainder in OH campus he is very excited and considering it however I m interested in knowing how many were offered and was it based on the major they applied


It will be good to know if we can optout of the program or defer it to thrid sem. I would prefer for kids to get used to Case first and then travel to Spain.

i agree