As we near Decision Day on May 1, we put together some resources for you to consider if you still need to decide on a college. Check them out!
Also, make sure to let us know if you picked a college already and what factor weighs most in your decision. Take the polls below!
Where did you get accepted?
- At my safety school
- At my match school
- At my reach school
0 voters
Have you picked your school yet?
- Yes
- Not yet
0 voters
Did you visit the school(s) before making your final decision?
- Yes, I already visited
- Yes, will visit before making a decision
- Not really
0 voters
What are the most important 3 factors in your college selection decision? (Pick up to 3 options)
- Financial aid package
- Cost / Tuition
- Campus life/vibe
- School’s reputation / prestige
- Proximity to home
- Location I always wanted to live in
- Academics
- Sports or Activities
- Weather
- Class size
- Diversity
- Other (comment below)
0 voters