DECISION DAY POLLS: What are the most important factors in your college selection decision?

As we near Decision Day on May 1, we put together some resources for you to consider if you still need to decide on a college. Check them out!

Also, make sure to let us know if you picked a college already and what factor weighs most in your decision. Take the polls below!

Where did you get accepted?
  • At my safety school
  • At my match school
  • At my reach school

0 voters

Have you picked your school yet?
  • Yes
  • Not yet

0 voters

Did you visit the school(s) before making your final decision?
  • Yes, I already visited
  • Yes, will visit before making a decision
  • Not really

0 voters

What are the most important 3 factors in your college selection decision? (Pick up to 3 options)
  • Financial aid package
  • Cost / Tuition
  • Campus life/vibe
  • School’s reputation / prestige
  • Proximity to home
  • Location I always wanted to live in
  • Academics
  • Sports or Activities
  • Weather
  • Class size
  • Diversity
  • Other (comment below)

0 voters


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