Financial Aid Appeal Question

<p>My daughter received FA from 2 schools. Although the offers were generous, they were not enough to allow us to send her so we appealed the FA. Her second choice school increased their offer. Her first choice school wants to have proof of the increase so that they can meet and make a final decision. Is it appropriate to share one FA offer with another school? Is this a typical request? I was concerned with confidentiality but don't want to lose an opportunity for additional FA from her top choice school. I would appreciate your thoughts.</p>

<p>Yes, this is a typical request. School A doesn’t just want to take your word for it that School B increased their offer. If you want School A to consider the offer from School B, you should accommodate their request.</p>

<p>Agree - we had a similar situation last year. We decline to follow through because the school offering to match (with proof) wasn’t a first choice.</p>

<p>Wow! You recieved your results already? We sent out appeal in today, when did you send yours out?

<p>The request to know the other school’s offer is completely inbounds and understandable as is seeking a re-evalution of your award.</p>

<p>I suggest though that you not try to incite a bidding war between the two schools as this will not make either happy. Financial aid directors do not take kindly to shopping around/playing multiple schools.</p>

<p>Open a conversation with your first choice school. Let them know that they’re first choice and what you need to make attendance possible. The school will do what they can based on the demand for FA monies.</p>

<p>There is some wiggle room and professional judgement involved. But, the admission and FA officers want to maintain a healthy relationship/process.</p>

<p>You must also be prepared to receive ‘no’ as answer given the finite nature of FA.</p>

<p>Hi Peddiecures…we send our request out the day after we received our acceptance/FA information…we are now finished and pending the revisit have made our decision on a school. Both our top choice schools BTW were able to fulfill our request for FA. They were then on level playing ground allowing us to make a final decision.</p>

<p>Thank you! We haven’t recieved our info yet, so maybe it will be about a ten day wait like it was for you guys.</p>