High Stats Student Looking for Merit in the North East

This discussion was created from comments split from: Need FULL Tuition smallish schools in the MidAtlantic with 1360 SAT, high GPA..

@Hippobirdy : same here. Our D is currently a junior with decent stats (SAT:1540, 4.0 GPA and decent ECs). She is interesting to apply to several public BS/MD schools in the falls but we think we should add a few safety schools including some with full ride if possible.

Is there a list of schools in the North East area offering full tuition or full ride for high stats students ?


She could apply early to U Toledo, Temple, U Delaware and WVU and get full tuition possibly, but not sure about full ride in NE.

@mommdc : thanks for the info. Quick question, if we are not qualified for FA, should we fill out FAFSA ? I’m new here and lost from reading info from CC forums > :wink:


@ttb1263 what is your state of residence?
Mid Atlantic/NE publics tend to prioritize awards for in state residents and are not automatic. And then these may be holistic with special award for leadership, service, diversity, etc. not just stats.

About FAFSA, some private colleges may ask for it to prioritize merit aid to those with financial need, or to include federal loans in aid package.

An example is Howard University in Washington DC https://www2.howard.edu/student-financial-services/funding-opportunities/hu-merit-based-aid

Univ of Pittsburgh has early rolling admission starting in summer. The Guaranteed Admission for medicine program has Nov. 15 deadline.
They are said to be cutting back on merit but they used to have some big awards.

Need to apply by November 1 to Univ. Maryland for Banneker scholarship consideration but that is holistic.

UMBC has Nov.1 deadline then additional essays .
UMBC Meyerhoff Scholars Awards range from $5,000-$22,000 per year for four years. Need to be nominated by high school.

UMBC has other Scholars merit awards, too.

For Salisbury, apply by Dec. 1 to then apply for scholarships.

@Hippobirdy : thanks a ton for great info. We are from Maryland and since my D will apply for BS/MD., we need to spend additional time with more schools to apply.


BS/MD in itself is very competitive, not sure if all of those programs give merit as well.

Some schools require FAFSA for merit. But not all.

If the school doesn’t require it for merit consideration, you can always file FAFSA later if you want to utilize the student loans.

@mommdc : thank you for the info.

We set our cost limit to the cost of paying to UMD UG(about $27K/yr). For that reason, we will only apply to mostly public universities/colleges that offer BS/MD. In addition, we will plan to apply for a few neighboring states public schools as safety schools with the hope of some sort of merit aids.

We still have about 8-9 months to plan so we are now at collecting schools info (cost, location, class size, etc …) and hopefully have final list of schools to apply. This CC’s forums is very helpful and informative. I have been lurking in the Multiple Degree area and found very helpful insights from parents and students applying or in the BS/MD program.


“we will plan to apply for a few neighboring states public schools as safety schools with the hope of some sort of merit aids.”

@ttb1263 - out of state applicants rarely see merit money at top flagships unless you go south or southwest. I would not look to neighboring states to be safeties since you are needing merit $. Look at schools like Alabama or ASU. With your D’s stats, schools like Case Western may give merit but not sure if it would be enough to bring it down to instate rates.

The great news is you have a wonderful state flagship with UMD CP.

My son just applied to Penn State and UDel. We are in-state Maryland too.

Don’t expect any merit from Penn State. Udel will give a good amount.

UMBC gives a good amount too on top of in-state rates.

Right now we are patiently waiting to hear from College Park.

There’s money out there but the south does seem to be much more giving for out of state students.


Why aren’t you “qualified for fafsa”?

Admissions for BS/MD programs are more competitive than for elite colleges.

Perhaps @WayOutWestMom can comment on this and also merit aid prospects for these highly competitive programs.

@thumper1 : My earlier statement is wrong :wink: - we are still qualified for loan.

As for BS/MD admission, we know that we will needs tons of luck on top of extra ECs my D need to work this summer, And then we may end up sending my D to UMD if the BS/MD schools are too expensive, However, some of the BS/MD schools are not too bad for traditional route (ex: Pitts, Stony Brook, etc …)

Thanks all for helpful info. If anybody has info about merit aids for the BS/MD that would be great.


Sorry, I forgot to add the schools:

  1. GW
  2. St Bonaventure
  3. Purchase
  4. U at Albany
  5. Stony Brook
  6. Hofstra
  7. NJIT
  8. TCNJ
  9. Rutgers
  10. Temple
  11. Pitt
  12. VCU

What is this list of schools? These schools will not give full tuition to someone with a 1360 SAT, and some of them certainly aren’t small. This list won’t work for the OP at all.

Another poster had this question for a 1540 SAT student

But if they don’t qualify for FA, just merit, most likely the private schools on the list won’t work (especially GW; Hofstra, St Bonaventure and U Albany might give merit).

As for Pitt, there might be a partial scholarship for OOS but most likely not full tuition.

There might however be a chance at Toledo, Temple, VCU.

I agree PSU likely won’t give enough or any merit.

@me29034 : Sorry, I hi-jacked OP’s thread to ask about full tuition in the Northeast area and got carried away. Maybe I should stop asking questions now . :slight_smile:

@mommdc: we expected that and with partial scholarship to bring the cost down to 25K-30K will probably do-able for us since we are willing to pay for the full cost of UMD in the beginning.


If you start a thread of your own, you will get better answers.

I stand by my original reply to you. These programs are highly competitive for admissions. They are even more competitive for significant merit aid.

TCNJ’s website lists the min SAT for admission to the BS/MD program as a 1550 or so.

I’m hoping @WayOutWestMom will comment about admissions to BS/MD programs, and the likelihood of significant merit aid at those programs.


BA/MD programs are extremely competitive. Think Ivy-level competitive even at lower ranked programs like NEOMED or Penn State or UMKC.

Any merit aid will be for the undergrad portion of the program only. Medical schools offer little to no merit aid. Expect that your child will be full pay for med school. (And at OOS rates if she is not a state resident at the time of her med school admission. Some med schools will allow med students to gain in-state residency after a year or two. Many will not.)

Some public undergrads may offer a limited amount of merit aid to OOS BA/MD applicants, but don’t hold your breath.