Homeschoolers' acceptance rates

<p>I read that Stanford's acceptance rate for homeschoolers was 27% (for 2000-2001 they accepted 9/35 of the homeschooled applicants) that's over their usual 10%. Does anyone know homeschool acceptance rates for any other colleges?</p>

<p>Well, homeschooled kids with the guts to apply to Stanford are often really good -- the high school with the 5th largest number of USAMO qualifiers was listed as "Homeschool."</p>

<p>where did you hear this? cause if thats true... :)</p>

<p>"The latest Stanford numbers show a rise in homeschooler applications. In 1999, the first year of tracking, 15 applied. Four were admitted, and all four enrolled. In 2000, there were 35 applications, more than double the previous year's. Nine were accepted, and five, including Butler, started classes on the Farm this fall."</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>they have an article. don't you feel so privileged?
duke's website say their acceptance rate for homeschooler is "equal to or higher than" the regular applicant pool.</p>