If you received an odd email from CC over the past few days

If you received an email from CC in the last few days with the title “Since Your Last Visit” with some fairly nonsensical posts in it, please disregard it. We found out today that the mirror of CC that we use for quality assurance was sending out weekly summary emails. When we found out, we immediately stopped any communication from the QA site and started an investigation. We value our communication with you and only want to send you email when you want it.

Will i get any more of these?
No, you won’t. We have disabled any emails coming from our QA site.

How can I turn off email notifications?
You don’t have to turn off email notifications specifically from the QA site - they should never be sent. On the regular CC site, you can control emails in the Preferences area of your profile:

You have a mirror of CC?
Yes, we use a copy of CC to test out new features and bug fixes before we push them live on the site. This helps us to ensure that everything we push out has been verified in a production-like environment.

Is this a security issue?
No. No emails were compromised or revealed. The effect of this error was to send you an extra annoying email, but nothing more.

Please reach out or comment below if you have any additional questions or concerns.

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