Is Class of 2026 An Outlier Year for College Admissions?

I read about a new college ranking system that uses AI to measure the ‘influence’ that a school has based on graduates ‘mentions’ in huge databases. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or valid thing, but it’s interesting in light of your comment.

“…a new college rankings method that uses artificial intelligence technology to search massive databases and measure the impact of work by individuals who’ve been affiliated with colleges and universities throughout the world.”

  1. Swarthmore College
  2. Amherst College
  3. Sarah Lawrence College.
  4. Reed College
  5. Barnard College
  6. Wesleyan University
  7. Vassar College
  8. Hampshire College
  9. Wellesley College
  10. Williams College
  11. Cooper Union
  12. Pomona College
  13. Oberlin College
  14. Bryn Mawr College
  15. Bard College
  16. Haverford College
  17. Smith College
  18. Claremont McKenna College
  19. Morehouse College
  20. Kenyon College
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