Is UGA becoming the MIchigan of the South?

I responded to the OP who was wondering about thoughts about UGA from those who applied from OOS. That fit our situation so I shared our reasoning and our thoughts about our high stat child who chose to apply to the school in question but not the others. For the other poster who mentioned money that was not in the equation for the apply list

Very good points made above. Also the stats posted are for EA applicants. At our high school, the kids that get in early to Georgia are the very high stats kids who also get into Michigan, UVA, UNC, etc. Also, Georgia does not give consideration to state of residency, unlike the ones mentioned above.

I have no relation to Michigan whatsoever & I do not see any “puffery” about Michigan in this thread–just verifiable facts.

OP is the one who invited the comparison between Georgia & Michigan. In fact, that is what this thread is about (“Is UGA becoming the Michigan of the South?”).

The undergraduate student bodies are about equal–Georgia has about 28,000 fulltime undergraduate students while Michigan has about 29,000 fulltime undergraduate students.

FWIW: I have many friends, relatives & acquaintances who are UGA students, graduates, professors or deans.

If comparing then here it is in black and white. For Michigan these are unweighted scores also. Their LSA students have an avg 3.9 with 32-35 Act. Engineering is 3.9 with 34 Act. Pretty much the same.

Honors stats…

3.9 with 33-34 Act. Again very similar.

So their general population is pretty competitive. Not sure what elite schools look like.

But nobody is saying the University of Georgia is not a good school.

If you answer just the question in the OP I would say Georgia is below Michigan slightly in difficulty to get in. And maybe the same or a hair below florida to get in. I think although he asked if it’s Michigan of the south , I think he is referring to difficulty to get in. Not who has most money better teachers, research etc. maybe conparing the Gpa and SAT Scores. So my response would be below Michigan but not by a lot and equal to or slightly below florida. Thoughts

I think a lot of people think of UGA as a Deep South school- much more so than say Vandy or Duke. That probably keeps down the non-southern OOS apps compared to Michigan which gets apps from all over the country, as do Duke, Vandy.

Depends on your opinion of elite. USNWR Top 25. Moved UP from #27. Times University #20 in the world. QS #1 public US university.!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats

Sounds pretty elite to me. ?‍♂️

Hey, if we’re pressing a button in our “Way Back” machine…

Currently mid range SAT range is 1,380-1,540.

Your point is pointless. Elite schools, by your definition, publish their accomplishments all the time.

Did anyone here call Michigan “The Harvard” of anything. The title of thread “Is Georgia the Michigan of the South.“

Michigan has many top programs, 40 of them in the Top 10, not including Ross, engineering and CS:–says-new-u-s–news-rankings.html

Where would you study CS or engineering? Michigan would be near the top, Ivies aren’t considered as good, but for Cornell, from what I understand here on CC.

In addition to the above stats, look at the world rankings from the Time Higher Education:

University of Michigan: 20th

University of Georgia: 474th.

The bottom line is Georgia is a very good regional university but has a long way to go to be mentioned in the same tier as the internationally recognized Univerosty of Michigan type public colleges (UCLA, Virginia, etc).

I think the comparisons are very fair when it comes to admissions. The stats speak for themselves. UGA just deferred/denied 1000’s of students with top stats during the EA rounds. Many of these students will not be able to get in once UGA gets past their RD round. These are students with 31 plus ACT scores and perfect GPAs. Whatever the reasons, we will never know.

Michigan stats are fairly similar. As another poster had mentioned, UM is much more recognized nationwide and worldwide. The Stem program is what UGA is not known for and this is where they do not get those applicants. Otherwise, you could easily see a lower acceptance rate.

Another spin on this would be COA. Is Michigan really worth the $50K OOS tuition rate vs in this case the $30K UGA tuition rate assuming no scholarships are involved? I am aware that this comparison applies to any school but an interesting take for sure.

It is also interesting to see how active the admissions officer is with his blogs. As far as I am aware, this is the only Flagship that does this. It sure keeps everyone on their toes, but the anxiety level can be nerve-wracking. Not sure how all of you feel about this. You can truly see how the process really affects many who have all kinds of questions. Many with incredible stats.

Since it was mentioned…

JfK mentioned that he went to Harvard, the Michigan of the East in his speech at Michigan in 1960 when speaking about starting the Peace Corp. That’s the origin of that statement.

I would think a fairer comparison would be. Emory

The Midwest families I know that applied to Michigan AND a Georgia school was Emory for non engineering and Georgia Tech for engineering.

Georgia has great schools and they are a great value for the locals. Same for Michigan.

But what is the pulse on the ground if kids are getting shut out of their local schools? I know there was a push like 4-5 years ago to take less OOS students.

My understanding is that the state legislature severely limits the number of out of state students UGA can accept…I believe they’re similar to UNC Chapel Hill which is required to limit the proportion of out-of-state students to 18 percent. That makes it much harder for OOS students applying to either school.

UGA has been a well kept secret on CC. It’s an excellent university and offers a lot of opportunities to its students, including those with elite stats/profiles. Comparisons are silly. I know my D prefers that it flies under the radar. For those who are interested, do your own research rather than depend on useless comparisons and the opinions of those getting their info through Google. A lot of students miss out on great schools due to CC’s obsession with rankings and comparisons.

I do not think comparisons are silly. After all, a college decision can not be made without making a comparison since there are many variables to consider.

The idea behind my post was really more about stats and perception. I picked on Michigan because it seems to be the powerhouse public school up North solely based on many similarities. Although those attending OSU, Wisconsin, and Illinois would beg to differ (oh oh I opened a can of worms) that Michigan best them.

This is a good discussion considering how competitive UGA has gotten and maybe what is even trying to become. For many years, both Emory and Georgia have gotten the notoriety around the country and around the world. I think UGA is earning that same reputation and It is interesting to see the perspective from those applying from out of state.

Huh? I know you’re one of those under-the-bridge dwellers, but Ross MBA is #10 per the USNWR. Economist rates Ross #9. The 450 or so undergrad Ross students are not as superior to UGA? ???

“Signing off”? “Nothing more to say”? Uh huh.

That would be NOT true. @Alexandre posted this thread regarding peer assessment survey(s) and rankings a couple months back.

@SouthernHope This is not true. There is no limitation as to OOS students (unlike UNC) and in fact the admissions office expressly says they do not consider state of residency. It is no more difficult to get into UGA from out of state. Some in the Atlanta area would say it is easier but not sure if that is the case or not.

While Georgia Tech does consider state residency in the admissions process, UGA does not. @UVAmom23 is correct.

Look you can buy the silly t-shirt on ebay. But… who cares!!! This “Harvard of the east/south, Michigan of the south” stuff is ridiculous.

And for whoever asked, GT attracts mostly STEM majors, because it is first and foremost a TECH school!!