Last Minute EA/ED Insider Tips - Exclusive ASK ME ANYTHING w/ U. Chicago on Mon, Oct 23 from 8-9pm ET

We are super excited to announce another exclusive live forum event featuring Justin Klein (a.k.a. @JustinAdmUChicago), Associate Director of Admissions at University of Chicago, and Caroline Webber (a.k.a. @UChicagoAdmissions), Admissions Counselor at University of Chicago.

The event will take place here in the comments section below on Monday, Oct 23 from 8-9pm ET.

With most of the EA/ED deadlines just a few days/weeks away, this is a great opportunity to get your questions answered and get last minute tips and suggestion from an admissions insider.

The AMA is FREE for all registered users. If you don’t have an account yet, REGISTER NOW!

Make sure to submit questions for the live event by commenting below. Also, fill out the poll below and let us know why you’re excited about this event.

**Please note that the event will cover only admissions or student life related questions, anything off topic will be dismissed and comments may be removed.

Why are you interested in this event w/ University of Chicago?
  • planning to apply EA/ED
  • planning to apply EA to U. Chicago
  • planning to apply ED to U. Chicago
  • planning to apply to U. Chicago in the future
  • interested in getting my admissions question answered by a top school

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The U Chicago team is very forthright with answers and provide great UC specific information as well as info that translates at similar schools. We loved it when the came to our school and did an event to share how they review applications.

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Hi Team,

Thanks for doing this! My question is: for those students who initially apply EA and then convert to ED2, as part of the process of converting, do any applicants receive anything other than a form email presenting this as an option when the time comes?



How long is the Why Us? prompt supposed to be?

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For kids offered acceptance in next year’s class (i.e. “take a gap year and then you can enroll”) what if any expectations does U Chicago have for those kids during that gap year?


How do you evaluate leadership in the application process ?

Is any specific type of intelligence valued most ?


Which colleges and universities do you consider to be peers of the University of Chicago and why ?

Assuming an interest in studying liberal arts, if you had college aged children and they were prohibited from attending the University of Chicago, which colleges or universities would you recommend to them and why ?

Thank you.


In terms of chances of admissions, what is the difference between ED and EA? Is there a better chance if applying ED1 vs ED2?

  • Are dual enrollment students considered transfer students or first-year students?
  • Do you have a Speech and Debate team?
  • For you, what is the most important part of the application? What makes a strong applicant? What are you looking for in a student?
  • How are research and internship programs? Can you start as soon as in your first year? Can you do research/internship with the University while studying abroad? Are there any scholarships available for study abroad programs?
  • What resources are available for First-gen, low-income, and BIPOC students? Scholarships, mentoring, guidance?
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Any tips for video? Should it be just interview style or more like a creative video?

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Can you talk about what you’re excepting from the fun supplemental? Should it be written in the first person?

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Any commentary you have on what you are looking for in the Uncommon Essay prompts would be very helpful. In particular, I’m struck by the fact that the instructions begin with “We think of them as an opportunity for students to tell us about themselves,” and then the prompts themselves are … impersonal. None of the prompts, including the historic prompts, ask students to say anything about themselves, making these prompts quite unique (uncommon!). Do you see these mainly as a demonstration of cleverness/wit/unusual thinking (not a bad thing!), or is it your experience that most applicants find a way to steer their prompt response around to the personal?

Is the optional video really optional?

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Same question. I have seen conflicting statements of “1-2 pages” for both the Why UChicago essay and the extended essay, but also have seen 250-500 words for why Chicago. Would like to have that clarified.

Can you talk about the Why Us essay and what you expect for this essay?

Thank you everyone for attending today’s live AMA w/ UChicago! We’ll go live shortly and I’m excited to welcome @JustinAdmUChicago and @UChicagoAdmissions to another exclusive College Confidential event. Justin and Caroline will answer your questions in the next hour. Make sure to ask all your questions by commenting below.

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@CC_Sorin Thank you so much for the introduction! Looking forward to answering everyone’s questions!

The information we send out to any of our applicants, regardless of round, may vary for a variety of reasons. For example, if a student is missing any materials, they will be notified and given ample time to submit any materials needed. Our goal is to present all our applicants with the information they need to successfully submit everything needed to apply.

If you have additional questions when applying, you are always welcome to reach out to your regional admissions counselor (Contact | College Admissions) who will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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