M10 2023 Stats/EC Thread

Feel free to post your prep school decisions on this thread!

The official 2023 prep school stats/ec’s thread. Credit goes to @atria and @ChoatieMom for the format

**Note: this thread is FOR RESULTS ONLY! Any commentary (congratulations, commiseration, etc.) shall only be spoken about on other threads. (Namely the Official 2023 Freakout Thread)

Format (copy & paste all thing below):
Wait listed:
Likely Attending:

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted:
• Rank:
• Other stats:

• Interviews:
• Essays:
• Math Rec:
• English Rec:
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
• Principal/Counselor Rec:
• Sports (if any):
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any):
• Hook:

• State or Country:
• Current School Type:
• Ethnicity:
• Gender:
• Grade Applying For:
• Age:
• Financial Aid/Full Pay:



Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?


General Comments:
Please do NOT post your stats/ecs until you receive all of your decisions. Otherwise, the posts will be deleted without notice or comment.


This topic was automatically opened after 19 hours.

Accepted: Gunn
Wait listed: Westminster, New Hampton
Likely Attending: Gunn

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8 (unweighted
• Rank: unknown
• Other stats:

• Interviews: excellent
• Essays: average
• Math Rec: average (she had only been a the school about 1 month)
• English Rec: average (she had only been a the school about 1 month)
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: n/a
• Principal/Counselor Rec: average (she had only been a the school about 1 month)
• Sports (if any): Ice Hockey (primary), softball, will play field hockey for first time
• Instruments (if any): no
• Other ECs (if any): no
• Hook: recruited athlete

• State or Country: PA, USA
• Current School Type: boarding
• Ethnicity: caucasian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Financial Aid

Strengths: math, science, athletics, excellent communication skills with adults and peers, resilient

Weaknesses: writing, reading (has IEP in place due to LD)

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Accepted: Very strong interview, excellent grades, hockey; WL: Financial


Accepted: Miss Porter’s, Proctor, Pomfret, Emma Willard, Suffield, Millbrook
Rejected: None
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: She has no idea - tough decision ahead

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 80% SSAT, but did not submit anywhere
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: School does not use GPA
• Rank: School does not rank
• Other stats: Not sure what to put here

• Interviews: (as reported by daughter): Miss Porter’s 8/10, Proctor 6/10, Pomfret 9/10, Emma Willard 0/10, Suffield 6/10, Millbrook 7/10
• Essays: So subjective, but they were definitely in her voice and highlighted her interests. A couple of AOs mentioned them specifically after reviewing her application.
• Math Rec: First-year teacher, did not know daughter well before writing the rec and does not know what the letter should look like. Assume it was a 5/10. She is a fine math student, but not a standout.
• English Rec: Likely a 7/10.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10 - she knows what to write and has been writing letters to boarding schools for years. She also really likes daughter and thinks she is a wonderful community member.
• Sports (if any): XC and track
• Instruments (if any): None
• Other ECs (if any): GSA, Scouts, lots of community service, theater club, etc
• Hook: Would be an immediate impact athlete at the varsity level for all schools she applied to.

• State or Country: Overseas
• Current School Type: Private Day
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Strengths: Community-oriented. Dives in and tries new things. Isn’t afraid to fail and is always the student the current school turns to when they need a person to welcome a new student and befriend them. What people on the forum here refer to as the “glue” of a community. She will be an active community participant and a steady student. She is someone you want around to be your friend.

Weaknesses: Very quiet and subdued. Very measured in responses, so she didn’t showcase a lot of enthusiasm in the interviews. She did fine and was able to answer questions, but there was no effusive excitement over anything. Fine grades, but not all top marks.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Full pay student likely helped, plus there was a clear fit for each school and why she had applied. Impact athlete at a varsity level probably didn’t hurt, even though it’s not a big-time sport.


Accepted: Milton, Exeter, Lawrenceville, Choate
Rejected: None
Waitlisted: Andover, Loomis, Deerfield
Likely Attending: Choate or Lawrenceville

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: n/a but mostly As
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews: Great
• Essays: Great
• Math Rec: probably very good
• English Rec: probably very good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: beyond stellar
• Principal/Counselor Rec: probably very good
• Sports (if any): n/a
• Instruments (if any):n/a
• Other ECs (if any): art, cs, math, writing
• Hook: national scholarship (won’t name for privacy)

• State or Country: west coast
• Current School Type: private
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age:14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: n/a

Strengths: Character, smarts, proven talent in both STEM and humanities

Weaknesses: no sports or music

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think the waitlist was b/c we were very clear that Choate was his #1 choice and that we would be a hard ‘yes’. We put it out there and did not play games with that and it paid off.

Acceptances were b/c of incredibly strong recs (especially the EC recs), and the national scholarship. In addition, we attended several events both online and in-person, which showed interest (I think) and we (parents) DID NOT reach out to admissions at all through the process… the kid did that every step of the way. He also sent ‘thank you’ emails to everyone after the interviews. I think his taking charge of the process made a difference.

The key takeaway for our family was the way in which he presented himself through the application process. His intellect was clear from the application/test scores/EC/etc. so there was no need to beat a dead horse. His recs, our essays, and his interviews all highlighted the kind of person he is: kind, a good friend, hard worker, inclusive, etc. I believe that is what put him OTT. Our essays, in particular, only talked about his character and how that fit into the school culture. If you are reading this and are in the process of applying to private day/boarding schools, please consider talking about character instead of/or in addition to achievement in your/your kid’s essay. I think it will be a breath of fresh air for admissions officers and will serve your kiddo well. Good luck!


Accepted: Loomis, Thacher, SPS
Rejected: Hill
Wait listed: Exeter, Deerfield, Concord, Academy, Middlesex, St. Mark’s
Likely Attending: SPS/Loomis

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 71% SSAT (Sent to Hill and Exeter Only)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Got All A’s throughout middle school career, but no GPA
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: Science Award and Math Award at School (Highest YTD Average at end of school year)

• Interviews: Hill 8.5/10, Deerfield, 8/10, Exeter, 7/10, Loomis 8.8/10, Middlesex 5/10, St. Mark’s 8.5/10, Concord Academy 7.5/10, SPS 8/10, Masters 7.8/10, Thacher 8.2/10.
• Essays: During the summer, my access program wanted us to respond to some prompts used on the SAO, without us knowing that it was going to be used for the application. I feel like I was lucky in choosing topics that showcased aspects of myself and personality, but it would’ve be better if I could’ve planned out qualities that I wanted to show and make it seen through story.
• Math Rec: Known him for 2 years and he knew my sister. (Blind) 8.7/10
• English Rec: Know her for only this year, but I was her favorite student. (Blind) 9.5/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Probably pretty good, he was so excited for me throughout the process and was the largest advocate for me except for myself. 9/10
• Sports (if any): Basketball and Volleyball
• Instruments (if any): Piano
• Other ECs (if any): Student Ambassador, Chess, Community Service (Led Breast Cancer walk for my school)
• Hook: URM

• State or Country: NJ
• Current School Type: Public Charter
• Ethnicity: African-American (Ghana)
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Needed 95%+ FA

Strengths: Being a URM. Being in a well-known access program. Well-rounded. Came off as intelligent and a person who was able to articulate themselves well in my interviews. Consistency in grades. Essays showed aspects of me that couldn’t be defined by a number, a stat, or an achievement. Solid recs.

Weaknesses: Interviewing with a mask on and needing full FA.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I feel like I was accepted at SPS, Loomis, and Thacher because I fit well with the school and what they wanted. I was also a well rounded and community oriented applicant who came off as respectful and inquisitive during my interviews.

I feel like I was waitlisted at a majority of my schools because I needed full FA. Schools with a higher acceptance rate like Master’s probably weren’t able to fund me and there was nothing in my application that particularly stood out to the AO’s.

I feel like I was rejected at Hill because of my SSAT score.

For Future Applicants

Make sure to prepare for this entire application process.

Step 1 begins with your essays. List down important qualities you want the AO to know and use storytelling in order to bring color to those qualities you want the AO’s to know. Make sure you have a teacher or some adult read over your writing to make sure it is your best work.

Step 2 is preparing for interviews. I advise anyone to bring a piece of paper written down with some questions for the interview. I know you don’t want to travel 5 hours just to have a 10 min conversation with no substance. It also helps to have some talking points and prepare for the most generic question like “Why do you want to attend X school” and make sure it’s specific.

Step 3 is ECs. Make sure your ECs have some sort of depth and your not just overloading the list with 10 random things you love to do. AO’s are looking for someone who is going to be an active participant in their community and is going to help fill some role or be some kind of social glue. Use this to craft a list of, at most, 7 or 8 ECs.

And lastly do well in school and build relationships with your teachers. (I think this is a given)


Accepted: Taft, Brewster Academy, Phillips academy Andover.
Rejected: none
Wait listed: Deerfield, Berkshire
Likely Attending: Taft

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 33% percentile (did not submit to Phillips)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: n/a
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: National Junior honor society, Lacrosse, Basketball Team Captain. Aau Basketball team is ranked #3 in the Nike national Circuit.

• Interviews: All Interviews were great.
• Essays: Amazing, 3 English teachers read them.
• Math Rec: Amazing, My teacher really likes me.
• English Rec: Amazing, He said my work ethic in his class is beyond great.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I feel that my After school Prep class teacher loved me, I have been with her for over 10 years.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: n/a, do not know her too well.
• Sports (if any): aau basketball, town basketball, school basketball, club lacrosse, town lacrosse.
• Instruments (if any): n/a
• Other ECs (if any): n/a
• Hook: I feel that my personality is what got me into these schools. I am never afraid to talk to new people. I love making new friends in the classroom, and outside school.

Location/Person: Massachusetts
• State or Country: United States
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Black
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Needed 10% FA

Strengths: Public speaking, Work ethic, Being a very outgoing person.

Weaknesses: n/a

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I honestly think I was accepted to some of my schools because of my Grades, Personality, and Sports. I was not rejected anywhere. I do not have a reason why I think I was waitlisted.

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Accepted: Salem Academy, Winchendon, Putney (no aid yet)
Rejected: Westminster, Andover, Loomis, Hotchkiss, SPS, Choate, LVille, Suffield, Northwood, Cate
Waitlisted: Deerfield, Exeter, Mercersburg, Lawerence, Brooks, Thacher, Ethel Walker
Likely Attending: Winchendon if aid can be negotiated, or Deerfield and Mercersburg if off waitlist

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: optional (sent an 1120 SAT to some, 640 reading 480 math)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: UW - 3.8 (went down to a 3.6 from old grades being out in) W - 4.0
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews: Got a bunch of smiles and “you know a lot”
• Essays: Great, but I feel I could’ve done better
• Math Rec: probably very good
• English Rec: probably very good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: absolutely amazing. I Read it and it was on Point!
• Principal/Counselor Rec: probably average
• Sports (if any): Track, but season was cut off
• Instruments (if any):n/a
• Other ECs (if any): 2 internships and writing for a non profit
• Hook: writing n Haitian heritage

• State or Country: Florida
• Current School Type: public
• Ethnicity: Black
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: 11
• Age:15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay

Strengths: Love for the humanites and my communities

Weaknesses: no sport times

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

My grade that I applied to, and my sat score. I could’ve secured at least 1 acceptance had I not submitted my score to some of these places. 11th grade is known for getting only athletes and children of staff in. So I’m not mad about it, but I’m hoping for a spot off waitlist!

In my acceptances, I feel as though my ability to express myself really shown through and because of the high acceptance rates. Although I’m not able to know for sure what happened, I’m hopeful I’ll be able to update this post with a spot from one of my WL schools.

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Accepted: Hotchkiss
Rejected: None
Wait listed: St. Mark’s, St. Paul’s, Exeter, Andover, Groton, Cate
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT, Overall: 60th percentile /V 653/ Q 722/ R 674/ (Only Submitted to Groton and Exeter)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: unknown - Straight A’s
• Rank: unknown
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews: Had an online interview for each school. Had alumni for Andover. 2 interviews for EXETER (alumni and admissions officer). My interviews were fine for the most part except for Exeter (first interviews). Sent interviewers videography portfolio by email.
• Essays: Great, well thought out
• Math Rec: probably very great
• English Rec: probably very great
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: probably very great
• Principal/Counselor Rec: probably good/average
• Sports (if any): Did track for 2 years (hurdles) and taekwondo for 3 years.
• Instruments (if any): Played violin for 5 years and joined all county orchestra for 3 years.
• Other ECs (if any): in clubs like green club, minority scholars, math team, MESA, Kindness club, wellness club, the gifted and talented program etc. School orchestra president. School orchestra president. I have created a documentary for history fair that advanced to state competition. I take Honors Geometry at my local high school next door to my Middle School. I take all Honors Courses. Straight As. Was awarded citizenship award in elementary school, and also won 2nd place for immigration writing contest.

• Hook: I am passionate about videography. Have a small YouTube channel focused on gaming. edit my videos, create thumbnails, etc.

• State or Country: MD, USA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Black, African/American
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Financial Aid

Strengths: Am passionate about something (videography) and showcased it through interviews, few essays, etc. Wrote 3 or more follow up emails to each interviewer. Created videography portfolio and sent to interviewers. Have two older siblings in boarding school so had some background knowledge.

Weaknesses: SSAT very low for schools I applied to. Did not apply to safety schools which is risky and applied to few schools. Most interviews not exceptional. Online Interviews(depends). Financial Aid may have probably weakened application for certain schools.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think I was waitlisted to Groton and Exeter mainly because of my SSAT score. the rest could have been because I left the SSAT out even though it was optional, and my interviews were not exceptional enough (did not click with interviewers and might have seemed nervous rather than excited).

I think I was excepted to Hotchkiss because I kept in touch with my interviewer and had a story/passion (videography). I am sure the admissions officer who interviewed me definitely played a big role in my acceptance to Hotchkiss. I advise future applicants to prepare for interviews by knowing how to answer any random question confidently and to also invest time in studying for the SSAT exam and having a lot of EC’S. Also have something that you are passionate about and don’t mess up simple things like grades and teacher recs. Feel free to message me on my account if you have any questions. (ツ)



Accepted: Deerfield, Kent
Rejected: Cate
Wait listed: St. Paul’s, Choate, Taft, Loomis, Concord
Likely Attending: Deerfield

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: wont disclose because very bad lol, never submitted for Taft, still got waitlisted
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: unweighted-3.9 weighted-4.0
• Rank: –
• Other stats: –

• Interviews: Most went great!
• Essays: Pretty good
• Math Rec: Assuming it was good
• English Rec: Assuming it was good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Assuming it was good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Assuming it was good
• Sports (if any): 3 yrs Taekwondo, Track
• Instruments (if any): Played cello for 5 years
• Other ECs (if any): Class council, Gifted and Talented, MESA, French club, Minority Scholars, Math team,
• Hook: Focused on my passion for writing short stories and photography, also my family

• State or Country: USA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Black/African American
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 10th
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Finacial Aid needed

Strengths: large fam (good thing to start convo) have siblings at boarding school so have some experience with the process. Great interviews (Showcased responsibility, matureness, etc) and essays, as well as short and sweet photography portfolio

Weaknesses: A, B student. EXTREMELY bad SSAT

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
Accepted- I think I got accepted (DA) because I already have a sibling there, I had a great interview, I kept in touch with interviewer, I also applied and visited last year, so they where aware who I was.
(Kent) I think I got accepted because again the interview went great, and I constantly kept in touch with my interviewer. Overall good essays and all
Rejected- I think I got rejected because overall it wasn’t the best interview, I think I presented my self well, but the interviewer didn’t take it the same way.
Waitlisted: All together, I think I would of had a chance to most of them but space is very limited

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Accepted: Exeter, Andover
Rejected: None
Wait listed: None
Likely Attending: ?

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8+
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews: Great, interviewer at Andover said it was like speaking to a 40 year-old in terms of level or articulateness
• Essays: Great
• Math Rec: 8/10
• English Rec: 8/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 8/10
• Sports (if any): Yes, national level, on the cusp of Olympic Development Program
• Instruments (if any): First chair musician as a 9th grader
• Other ECs (if any): Many
• Hook: Exeter legacy, recruited athlete

• State or Country: CT
• Current School Type: Private Day
• Ethnicity: Prefer not to say
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full

Strengths: Sports and very good grades at a highly competitive private school

Weaknesses: SSAT

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? DS is generally very well rounded with a few exemplary qualities. High ceiling. Lots of untapped potential. Athlete in position of need. Pleasantly surprised by Andover as we disclosed Exeter legacy on app.

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Accepted: Hotchkiss
Rejected: Loomis, Andover, Exeter
Wait listed: St. Paul’s, Deerfield, Choate
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss/Not Attending at all

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT, Overall: 63rd percentile /V 635/ Q 752/ R 677/ (Only Submitted to Exeter)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: n/a mostly A’s with one or two B’s
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews: Clicked amazingly well with some (ended up at WL) and not so with others. All online with admission officers which was not the best compared to in person.
• Essays: great
• Math Rec: great; only had him for 2 weeks when application was sent but we really clicked
• English Rec: pretty good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: excellent, personal rec had connections with BS and have been writing recommendation letters for over 10 years.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: excellent
• Sports (if any): track for 4 years, netball for 8 years, tennis for leisure
• Instruments (if any): violin for 10 years, piano for 3, ukelele for 2
• Other ECs (if any): Debate, MUN, Ballet, Violin, Piano, Ukelele, Theatre, 2 NGO, Food Drive (won awards), Track, Netball/Basketball and different societies in my current school (e.g. Medical, Bio-Med, Chem, Veterinary etc.)

• Hook: I am extremely passionate about STEM and quite all rounded as stated from AO. Had a lot to bring to the community overall.

• State or Country: HKG
• Current School Type: Private International School
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: applied for FA but denied (aka FP)

Strengths: Used agency to help advocate for me and build my portfolio. good in performing arts (music, dance and theatre) with passion in science. parents are doctor & banker/compliance which allowed me to have first hand experiences in many diff things. great interviews (super outgoing and made it very clear why I wanted to go to each school).

Weaknesses: Late starter (like extremely late, late oct-early nov) SSAT very low for schools I applied to. Didn’t apply to safety schools as the school I am in is quite prestigious (t10 in IB) and could easily fall back on. Not exactly the best EC’s (as our school focused a lot on grades given that it’s a British Int School) and basically zero awards. Got a B- in German which wasn’t the best either… No awards/competitions was definitely a minus.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think I was rejected because of my terrible, terrible SSAT score and for some interviews, it just didn’t really click as well as the others. FA was definitely a factor for Loomis and I guess I wasn’t as “highly accomplishing” with competitions and awards. (my main weakness I’d say)

I think I was waitlisted as my portfolio with ECs weren’t particularly strong and didn’t stand out. Made the mistake of thinking materials could be added after submitted on Gateway and thought that I can’t add them after Jan 15. Therefore I couldn’t really showcase my talent on my application. Grades were consistent but the B in German and Studio Art most likely pulled me down. FA and no awards was probably a factor asw.

I think I was accepted in Hotchkiss mainly because of my Performing Arts. Head of Arts messaged me after my acceptance stating that I was a top priority in the Music Program. My interviewer was also a dancer previously in HK which I guess helped me connect really well. The NGO I founded was also talking about environmental sustainability - where HK had the airfield farm. I assume that I had quite a lot to offer in different aspects for the school both academically (STEM) and EC’s.

Please do let me know if you have any questions and I’d be more than happy to answer. Also wondering if there are HK students/alumnis here as I have a few questions I would like to ask.

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Accepted: Andover, Exeter, Hill, La Salle College Prep
Rejected: Lawrenceville
Wait listed: Choate
Likely Attending: TBD, revisit days

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0 unweighted
• Rank: TBD
• Other stats: Johns Hopkins CTY Grand Honors in Math

• Interviews: 10/10 - told by AO, probably the best interview in all the years he has been an AO

• Essays: 10/10
• Math Rec: 10/10
• English Rec: 10/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10

• Sports (if any): told likely playing Varsity Tennis as 9th grader by team captain and Tennis Coach, played at US Open before opening ceremonies for exhibition, USTA tournament level player, UTR 5-6 age 13.

• Instruments (if any): Drummer - 7 piece drum set with studio level recordings and played in bands at various venues, and piano for 9 years.

• Other ECs (if any): Amerikick Karate Black Belt, computer programmer in various computer languages, math tutor, started online Math forum with over 500 users, Robotics Competition mentor, interest in computer hacking, church pianist, VP Student Council. Involved in various Community Services that has raised thousands of dollars for charity.
Chess player with ELO ranking greater than 1900 age 13. Interested in Chess Team.
Has taken classes and has Interest in Finance and stocks/investing & wealth management and Cryptocurrency. Given honors for investment portfolio and was told by professor to pursue Finance as a job not as a hobby.

• Hook: interview, essay writing, came in 2nd in Nation with a scholarship for a National script writing competition for 6-12th graders for NHTSA television commercial to be produced by Emmy Award Winning Producer.

• State or Country: PA
• Current School Type: Catholic K-12
• Ethnicity: Multicultural
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP, but applied for financial aid - No financial Aid given at all schools, based on SSS and school criteria. Given $80,000 merit based scholarship at 1 Local Prep School.

Strengths: Maturity, told by admission officer he is mature for age 13, great interview skills and AO told him he wishes he could talk to him all day. Diversity of knowledge in STEM and Humanities. Interest in Philosophy/Ethics. Diverse background and World traveler. Has met the President of the United States. Has conversed with numerous Ivy League and Stanford Professors in Artificial intelligence and Philosophy.

Weaknesses: not multilingual, but has taken Spanish classes and Latin outside normal school hours. Tagalog and Spanish interest but not fluent. Started BS process late and did not know about BS until 6 months ago.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Unknown



Wait listed: Mercersburg, Webb(Cali)
Likely Attending: Current school (unless i get off the waitlist for mburg)

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: did not submit
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: uw 3.63
• Rank: none
• Other stats: none

• Interviews: mburg interview was rlly good/didnt even have a interview for webb (although i had one last year)
• Essays: (blind) 8/10. could be better
• Math Rec: (blind) 8/10. i took math honors. 31/86 students in our grade
• English Rec: (blind) 7/10. received the highest grade for a research paper in my class. A.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: (blind) 9/10. One of the closest teacher i was with, would chate and let me into his room during free period
• Principal/Counselor Rec: (blind) 6/10. counselor got pretty annoyed when i told him to submit semester reports instead of quarter
• Sports (if any): Soccer (varsity, my cities team, MS mvp of season), Volleyball (MS division 1, main outside hitter), Touch Rugby (MS division 1, MS mvp of season)
• Instruments (if any): Violin (APAC (varsity for performing arts)), Piano (abrsm grade 7 distinction)
• Other ECs (if any): coding (2nd in national competition), boy scouts (patrol leader, tenderfoot rank), debate (3 outstanding speaker awards, 2nd in national competition, top 15 in asia for a leauge), robotics (team leader for school (no competition due to covid))
• Hook: I think I showed a variety of extracurriculars in my application and had 13 awards in total.

• State or Country: China
• Current School Type: Private, Day
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Extracurriculars. I also co-founded a band with my friends during covid where we performed for nursing homes and other places (admissions prob thought that was pretty cool).

Weaknesses: grades. I took the ssat but the score was low, i think it was a 79 percentile overall (96 percentile math and lower in reading and vocab).

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think not having the ssat as an international student definitely lowered my chances. However, maybe it was also because I had a grammar mistake in one of my essays for mburg, and did not have a interview with webb (because they did not have any seats left). To anyone applying for bs next year, take my advice: START UR APPLICATION EARLY.

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Accepted: George, Peddie, Lawrenceville
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Choate
Likely Attending: No idea

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 92 percentile overall, 90V/93R/85Q (Submitted to all)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews: George 8/10, Peddie 2/10, Lawrenceville 9/10, Choate 5/10
• Essays: Good
• Math Rec: Blind, probably above average
• English Rec: Blind, also probably pretty good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: N/A
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind, probably average (Didn’t know her well)
• Sports (if any): Volleyball on the school team, not that good though
• Instruments (if any): Saxophone and Piano (average at both)
• Other ECs (if any): Model United Nations + National Junior Honor Society
• Hook: No idea

• State or Country: From PA but living overseas, applied domestic expect for Peddie
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Black
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay

Strengths: URM, decent SSAT and I had great interviews for George and Lawrenceville.

Weaknesses: Interviews when it comes to Choate and Peddie - I think I came across as very nervous to the Choate AO and I wasn’t prepared for Peddie’s questions. I also have no type of awards.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think I got into the schools that I did because I have strong grades and pretty good essays. I think I got waitlisted at Choate because my application didn’t stand out and many people from my school applied

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Accepted: St. Mark’s, Williston with merit scholarship, Gunn
Rejected: Hotchkiss
Wait listed: Concord, Berkshire
Likely Attending: St. Mark’s or Williston

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 84% overall SSAT but didn’t submit to most schools
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.5 GPA 1st semester
• Rank:n/a
• Other stats:n/a

• Interviews: Excellent. He is very good at talking to adults in general, and all interviewers complimented him after the interviews.
• Essays: 7/10 - he is better at speaking his thoughts than writing (see above) but he was able to get some help on essay editing from his English teacher, which definitely helped
• Math Rec: 7/10 -he is an excellent Math student, but has a 1st year teacher this year
• English Rec: 7/10 - he is a great reader, but not great at writing/editing/spelling
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: excellent - he has been a captain of a competitive First Robotics team and got a rec from the instructor whose son went to a BS so she knew what to write
• Principal/Counselor Rec: excellent - he has been at the same school since Pre-K and is very known and loved
• Sports (if any): not into sports, but does play Ultimate Frisbee
• Instruments (if any): no
• Other ECs (if any): Theater -has been lead in some musicals, Robotics -team captain
• Hook: husband went to BS (not one we applied to) and I went to an ISL day school, we work at an independent Pre-K-8 and are very much independent school people

Location/Person: USA
• State or Country: CT
• Current School Type: independent
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: male
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: full pay

Strengths: very outgoing, personable, enjoys being helpful, very funny- likes to do/watch stand up comedy, bright and well-spoken

Weaknesses: does not always put a lot of effort into work and assignments that he doesn’t like -he is naturally bright but resists editing papers, doing math problem corrections, etc. can be self-depricating in attempt to be funny

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think his acceptances were based on the fact that we mostly applied to schools we knew would be a good fit, and that he chose for a specific reason and he was able to communicate that in the interviews. We know that all BS are great and we were not interested in a school just for the name, we really know our kid and focused on schools that would be good for him (even though my husband loved the Loomis tour and I loved Deerfield, we knew they were not the place for our particular kid). He wanted a smaller school where he would not feel overwhelmed and would feel like he knows everyone. St Marks has a great robotics team in the program he already does. Williston has an ultimate frisbee team and great musical theater. He is also not super competitive by nature and one of the reasons he loved Williston is because “the vibe was chill.” He has also attended overnight camp for several years, and talked about it in interviews and wrote about it in an essay – AOs all mentioned the fact that they knew he would have no problems adjusting to BS life because he loves his camp so much.
Rejected - from Hotchkiss - we knew it would be a stretch based on his grades not being all As, also was probably our worst interview- interview was with new hockey coach who didn’t seem to know the school well and my son is absolutely not a hockey bro so it wasn’t a great match.
Waitlist- Concord is great and we loved it, but only 40% boarding, so probably just a numbers game, also maybe grade related. Berkshire - was probably his least favorite of the ones he applied to, we didn’t have a great tour and interview.


Accepted: Exeter, Andover
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Choate
Likely Attending: Exeter

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: ISEE stanine (percentile): 9 (99),9 (99),9 (98),8 (91)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0 and 4.5
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: A’s and A-'s in middle school. All A’s 1st semester 9th grade (school doesn’t do a+)

• Interviews: Exeter 8/10, Andover 6/10, Choate 9/10
• Essays: Exeter 9/10 (wrote about my experience of discovery as a budding entreprenuer and an encounter with Ben Bernanke), Andover 6/10 (wrote about my experience of discovery as a budding entreprenuer), Choate 8/10 (wrote about recovering from my knee injury and discovering new intellectual interests) For my ISEE essay I wrote about how our leaders should outlaw or restrict social media because it is addictive and I saw the effect it had on me before I quit and the effect it has on my friends
• Math Rec: 9/10
• English Rec: 9/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9.5/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10
• Sports (if any): Basketball, Cross-Country, Golf (I injured my knee very severely last year, so I let them know that I may not continue Cross-Country and Basketball)
• Instruments (if any): None
• Other ECs (if any): Varsity tournament champion debater in the most competitive district in the country, boy scout for 8 years, school math team, 3-4 clubs
• Hook: None

• State or Country: California
• Current School Type: Private Catholic High School
• Ethnicity: Indian-American (from the country in asia)
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 10th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Pretty self driven and innovative. Ex. Wrote a complex algorithm that determines the intangible value of pro basketball players, started 2 cash flow businesses and working on a third long term one using AI APIs (made my identity as a silicon valley tech guy a central part of the apps), won a couple investing competitions, and wrote essays for Harvard and Cal Berkley economic writing competitions

Weaknesses: No instruments, no academic awards, no special statewide or natiowide honors

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
probably because I demonstrated that I will fit with Harkness because of my learning style, and I showed my intellectual curiosity and I displayed that I am self-driven.

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Accepted: Commonwealth, Tabor Academy, Kent, St Marks (MA), BUA
Rejected: None
Wait listed: CSW
Likely Attending: Commonwealth School

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: A’s and A-'s in middle school.

• Interviews:
• Essays:
• Math Rec: 10/10
• English Rec: 10/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9.5/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 9/10
• Sports (if any) Soccer
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any):
• Hook: None

• State or Country: Northeast
• Current School Type: Private Christian High School
• Ethnicity:
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: 10th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Accepted: Choate, Northfield Mount Hermon, Millbrook, Deerfield, Milton
Rejected: none
Wait listed: SPS, Hotchkiss
Likely Attending: Choate

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: took it but did not submit to any
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: n/a
• Rank: 2/154
• Other stats: My grades were not perfect at all in the previous years

• Interviews: 9/10 all amazing, except SPS, but Hotchkiss was incredible and i got waitlisted so…
• Essays: pretty good, showed maturity ig, 8/10
• Math Rec: Very good
• English Rec: blind
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: very good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: pretty good
• Sports (if any): Track and Field, Swimming, Volleyball (not recruited for any)
• Instruments (if any): Singing and theatre (wrote a lot about that), guitar
• Other ECs (if any): theatre, volunteering during summer, mentor
• Hook: unrepresented minority, FP

• State or Country: Dubai
• Current School Type: private British school
• Ethnicity: Slovenia, Ethiopia
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay

Strengths: essays and interviews

Weaknesses: grades previously, and not a lot of community service (not a lot of opourtunities to do so)

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

waitlisted: honestly my interview and essays were not good so i expected sps, but I was honestly quite surprised for Hotchkiss as my interview was the best out of the bunch, but ok.
I had absolutely no idea I would get into such amazing schools, but just make sure to research the schools well, and exactly what they want and try to incorporate into your essays and interviews. They are the most important, in my opinion.
