Need Help: Third Year Chinese Abroad

So - need your help.

My daughter needs a third year of Chinese - and is planning to go abroad next year. She’s planning to do first semester abroad with the second semester in the Washington program so that her internship provided as part of the program might turn into a summer opportunity.

Next year we’ll be her 3rd year and she wants to be back on campus (College of Charleston) her last year as she has to do a dissertation and needs to work with a prof.

Of course, she waited too long to seek help and while she’s asking now, apparently her college offers few options that have Chinese study abroad. I know her class is quite small.

To make things more difficult, she’s an International Studies and Poli Sci double major, so the school has to offer classes that work in the majors as well. We’ve looked at the Chinese and Taiwanese options - but their “other” classes don’t seem to cover the Poli Sci area.

Does anyone know of any schools that will work - a third year Chinese program + courses in the poli sci / international studies arena? She’s still pressing at school - but not sure they’re going to come up with an answer within their options and time is running short. There’s one school in the Netherlands that might work - but still investigating.

We’ll likely have to bring a university from outside the school’s options.

I’d appreciate any ideas.

@MYOS1634 any ideas?

@tsbna44 I’m not sure what is offered now, but Boston University used to have extensive study abroad programs that were open to other college students. I’m not sure the cost, but I’m guessing that BU sets the cost…and it might very well be more than you are currently paying.

Is cost a factor here?

Thanks - will take a look.

Cost is a concern in that - well - we’ve got a sweet deal. But ultimately, we’ll need to do what we need to do - to keep her on pace. I’ll take a look. I don’t have affordability concerns.

I just found one on her school’s webpage. I know she doesn’t want to go to China but they have a school U of Nottingham Ningbo I need for her to look further into and to discuss with her advisor when they meet int he next couple weeks.

U of British Columbia

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Thanks- will take a look.

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Can she do some sort of summer immersion program the summer before to gain the equivalency of third year Chinese credit?


Agree…even a summer course at a local college (if credit is approved in advance by her home college) could do the trick.

She can’t take her third year of Chinese in her last year at College of Charleston?

The issue here is - she’ll be gone Junior year. It’s easily her hardest class. She doesn’t feel it’s appropriate to skip a year and come back Senior year.

I’m hopeful with her advisors (has multiple - Honors, Poli Sci, Intl Studies) , they come up with a plan to make this work - but seeking outside ideas as she’s procrastinated, and we’ll be up against a timeline.

Summer is an option for one course - but few offer Chinese 3 (which is two courses) - and she’s going to take her 2nd science over the Summer - she took Geology last summer at a community college and then will take the 2nd part at UTK - which seems the only school to offer.

Hoping to find a program abroad that will work for the Fall Semester.

Someone mentioned BU. CofC has an affiliate list - and Butler was on there. I looked at theirs but no Chinese.

Forwarding the BU idea to my better half.

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I suggested BU. I have no idea if they will have what you are looking for. Have you checked places like Georgetown, George Washington and American to see if any of their programs will work and accept students from other colleges??

What about Middlebury? I know nothing about their study abroad programs, but languages are a thing there.

Can she take the sciences during the study abroad thus freeing up her summer?

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St Andrews?


St Andrews highly regarded in International relations too… and they have Chinese, but you would need to check level and suitability for your daughter

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My D did study abroad in Scotland, through Butler. She met a lot of students who were doing their study abroad through Arcadia University. That might be one to check into. A quick look at their programs shows that they have a program with SOAS University in London, which is apparently “the school for diplomats.” They offer degrees in Chinese language, so they should offer the level your D needs. They seem to have a lot of political science options. Maybe there are similar programs at other schools, as well. An email to the Arcadia folks should yield quick answers; you could do the same with other programs.

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Awesome - thanks

Will dig deeper. Appreciate all the ideas.

Is the third year if Chinese required for her primary major…or what?

Yes - at least for the Intl Scholars Program if not the major.

So if she does the Wash Semester that’s the second issue. But we’ll figure that out later.

As I told her she’s not the first at her school to have this issue.

She actually loves Chinese. But isn’t interested in study in China.

We’ll figure something out. She needs to do a better and more proactive job seeking advising. It’s only good if you seek it out.

But wanted to drum up ideas.

I figure/hoping someone on the board has a kid that did Chinese language.


So really…you need a full year of Chinese…someplace other than her home college. Oh…and one semester at one place (abroad) and another in DC, right? And accepted as a full year of study by her home college.

One of my kids really wanted to do a study abroad, but it was impossible with her course sequences and major. It just couldn’t happen.

Has your daughter considered that?

Yeah. We know DC may not happen.

She needs to go to advising and let them craft a plan.

She can go abroad and DC senior year but doesn’t want to bcuz she needs to do a Senior thesis with faculty or Chinese then but doesn’t want to bcuz of the year off. They have summer they would work as she wouldn’t take language but she’s hoping to find an internship.

Hoping someone on here did Chinese 3 abroad junior year and if so where.



She may need to compromise.

My kid wanted to do a study abroad very badly. But it simply didn’t work with her majors. So…she didn’t.