NMF rejection letters will likely get mailed sometime this week.

Just a heads up…

In the past, NMCorp has sent rejection letters out approx on Jan 7-9th each year.

Typically, it can take 1-2 weeks for every rejected student to receive. I don’t know if they’re processed and mailed in batches, or if because some folks live in rural areas, but people receive them as last as the 3rd week of Jan. However, most seem to receive by about Jan 12-15.

I am so anxious!! This is a never a fun time for NMSFs with a C like me. Can everyone who receives a rejection letter this year tell the number of C(s) they have and their UW GPA? Maybe that will (or won’t) give borderline NMSFs with Cs hope!! :frowning:

Also, does anyone know where the letters are postmarked from, like maybe the NM Corp’s headquarters in Chicago?

Good Luck, @lcgusa - everyone will be rooting for you! My DS made it last year w/one C…and a very, very bad postal delivery track-record to our home, so we were never really “sure” he made it until the NMF letter finally came in Feb 2015. Based on reports last year, we did not see any Honors or AP “C” that kept a student out of NMF. My DS made it with one semester C in a non-weighted class (albeit Soph Chem), so there is hope!

We miss you @GoAskDad! How nerve racking it must have been! Luckily I have pretty reliable mail service so the letter (if I get one) will be here within a week or so. Crossing my fingers! I Dont know how accurate my instincts are, but maybe NM mailed out the letters today? Didn’t they email NMSF notification letters to school on a Wednesday back in August? Maybe they like mailing stuff out on Wednesdays… :frowning:

Thank you, @lcgusa - I miss being on CC regularly, that’s for sure. May 2015-onward has been a pretty challenging time for my family health-wise, and I keep trying to get back on CC to catch up, but it’s hard. I’ve tried to stay aware of the NMF notification time period, and I also have a DS who will get his Soph PSAT score tomorrow.

I’m almost positive I called NMSC last year to ask when the “Rejection” letters were mailed and I recall that they gave me a date. I probably documented that in last year’s thread, but I’m fairly certain I called. Those poor NMSC folks are probably glad I’m not around this year to harass them, but hopefully somebody else is carrying the torch for me until next year!

I’m a parent but you’re a student, correct? Gosh, my heart really goes out to you! My DS was virtually clueless and unconcerned for the entire ride last year - I worried for both of us. As a mom, I never want to see any young person worry so I will do my best to stay on CC until you have an answer either way. And if you do not make NMF, there are other options and it will be OK, but I very much understand how important NMF can be for families and students who plan to use it for a full tuition scholarship.

Hang in there! And best of luck to you.

@GoAskDad yes, I am a student. I’ve been reading the finalist threads from last year, and saw that you must have had a nervous timing waiting for that rejection letter, which never came. FL has just started giving full rides at certain colleges to NMFs, so I am hoping for finalist status so I can take advantage of that generous scholarship. I also have younger siblings who probably won’t get scholarship $$ for college, so this finalist accreditation and consequent scholarship $$ will really help them out financially. I am anxious on account of the C I had freshman year, but I think the UW GPA my counselor put on my NMF app was around a 3.83, so I’m hoping that that will negate that C. I also took your advice and wrote a good essay addressing the circumstances in which I got that C. Either way, I’ve come to accept the fact that life will work out either way, but being a finalist would really be a big help!

My daughter sent in her qualifying score only on 12/30. Would they sent rejection letters even without receiving the sat scores? Do they go off senior 1st semester grades or junior year final grades? Thanks!

@ohiojr NM looks at grades from grades 9-11. Space for senior grades isn’t even included on the NMF application. According to the PDF of instructions for 2016 NMSFs, it says SAT scores must be received “no later than December 31, 2015 for full award consideration.” Did you pay for rush reporting on the College Board website? It might be worth a call to National Merit on Monday to see if they have received the scores.

Do they go off senior 1st semester grades or junior year final grades? Thanks!



Your child’s school was req’d to send her transcript last fall…around October.

You need to call NMCorp about her scores. They should have been sent before Dec 30th. Why did she procrastinate?? Did she send any other SAT scores during previous months??

Did NMCorp contact you and tell you that they were still waiting to get scores??

Thank you for the heads up.

College board says they sent the scores on the 30th. She applied to college board on the 17th. Would she be disqualified for finalist or just for the merit scholar award if they did not receive it? Thanks.

NM sent a letter on the 17th and we immediately paid on that day. College board website says they sent it on 30th. My main worry is if they did not receive it, does it mean she cannot be a finalist or just the award?

You need to call on Monday. NMCorp’s contact number is on their website. While on the phone, have the proof that you did send the scores on the day that NMCorp called and reminded you.

I don’t know what you mean by: “cannot be a finalist or just the award.”

If she doesn’t make finalist than she wouldn’t get a NMF award.

If Collegeboard sent on the 30th, and they get sent electronically, then NMCorp should have received them/uploaded soon after.

Thanks. I will call them tomorrow. Her GPA is fine because she has only one B+. My question was the letter that she received said that if she did not send her SAT scores by 12/31, she will not be eligible for full award and that if she did not send by 1/31, she will not be eligible to become a Finalist. We want her to look at University of Cincinnati which offers a full ride for first 60 applicants if they become a NMF. So we are worried that she may not be eligible for it. .

I called the NMSC today and they said that they did receive her SAT scores on 12/30. Whew! Thanks for all your help!

Good!!! Once you mentioned that Collegeboard said that THEY sent on the 30th (rather than your child requesting on the 30th), it sounded like things would work out since they send electronically, not snail.

Thanks. I will call them tomorrow. Her GPA is fine because she has only one B+. My question was the letter that she received said that if she did not send her SAT scores by 12/31, she will not be eligible for full award and that if she did not send by 1/31, she will not be eligible to become a Finalist


That is very weird! If she had made finalist, she would still be eligible for any full awards by colleges, etc…but maybe they meant their one-time $2500 award??? Otherwise, their statement makes no sense.

has anyone received one in the mail yet, provided they were mailed sometime last week?

Generally, we don’t hear that people have received them until about 15th (plus or minus). Since the 9th was over the weekend, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t get mailed until today.

ok, thanks for the clarification. I thought the letters would have been mailed sometime last week, as in the past they were mailed the first week of January, but I understand that’s just an estimate and can change on a year to year basis.

Yes, in the past, they seem to have gone out around the first full week of January. But it seems that we’d see peple start posting around 15th