Northeastern University 2019 EA

Does anyone know when Northeastern sends out EA decisions? Their website says that they will be released by February 1, but any chance there will be a sooner date (hopefully by Mid-January)? I can’t find any threads from past years

Note: The title of this thread has been modified as incoming date tends to be clearer than outgoing for Northeastern given co-op.

Forum Champion Note:

Hi All! @PengsPhils here. Some notes for those hearing back:

Release Times

Waves are released hourly on the hour, loosely by geography. Here are some estimated time ranges:

New England: 4-6PM EST
Southern States: 7-9PM EST
Midwest: 6-9PM EST
West Coast: 8-10PM EST
International: Varies

Posting Decisions

To all those positing decisions, posting the following info would be greatly helpful to people this year and especially in future years. The hope is to compile this information to give some numbers to future applicant pools. Feel free to post as much information of this as you are comfortable with.

Did you apply for FA?:

Interpeting Decisions

Acceptances: Congrats!

Deferrals are very common for Northeastern and are not soft rejections. It has also been speculated that they may use this to test the interest of overqualified applicants who may withdraw their application for other schools. Temper expectations but do not assume it is a rejection during RD.

Denials: Know that admissions is an imperfect process and what schools you get into or attend do not define you! Good luck in your other college decisions!

Thanks and good luck to all!

There is a thread right here in the Northeastern forum, “EA Class of 2022.” Page through that thread to see when the EA decisions were released - seems to have occurred Jan 18.

Does anyone know anything about the roomered over enrollment that made last year so competitive?

The freshman class of 2017 was overenrolled by 300 students, it is not a rumor. It is believed that the class of 2018 was reduced in size to compensate. 2018 data will be released in the next week or so.

Will the class of 2023 be less competitive than the class of 2022 because of the over enrollment the previous year? (Assuming there is not a major jump in applications)

Chances for Northeastern university EA class of 2023:

GPA: uw: 3.72 w:~4.2 (upward trend) (42/273 weighted class rank)
7 AP’s, (biology, English 11, English 12, physics 1, government, psychology, calculus AB), IB Physics 12 senior year , many honors classes
ACT superscore: 33 (33 e, 33 m, 33 r, 31 s)
 -visited campus

EC’s: -8 varsity letters for two sports within my four years.

  • captain of both of them my senior year
    -founder of the table tennis club
  • ~350 volunteer hours
  • volunteer tennis instructor for little kids.
    -four mission trips
    -no “hooks”

My main worry is the fact that I’m not in the top ten percent of my class. What do you suppose my chances are of being accepted?

For anyone interested in receiving the NHRP scholarship, does the student have to send the certificate to northeastern? or do they have a list? other schools have informed me that college board releases all the names to the schools (so nothing is required on the stufent’s part), but on the applicant portal there is a selection for NHRP certificate under additional materials. Does anyone know the procedure for NEU?

@pinkpugs01 I am also a National Hispanic Scholar and I feel like I read somewhere that you must also send in a scanned copy of your certificate.

Once you apply, they email you an application code and that enables you to set up a Northeastern Portal. There, you can upload it and they will get it.

@TomSrOfBoston where can I find the data on the class entering 2018?

There’s profile info on

they heard back january 18th. some people heard back at 4 and the rest heard back at 5. northeastern is rumored to always send out decisions on a thursday so we might hear back january 17th.

@nikib215 Some hear back as late as 8-9PM local, it rolls out in waves geographically starting at 4PM, not just 4PM and 5PM.

@PengsPhils oh ok my b

So now that ED decisions were released, maybe even a bit earlier than expected, any hope for an earlier release of EA decisions?

@BrooklynRye ED decisions came out about a week before their deadline. The EA decision deadline is by February 1 so they will likely come out mid-January like last year.

Chance me?

4.4 GPA
29 ACT
IB Diploma student from Florida- all my predicts are 6’s or 7’s out of 7.
Lots of EC’s (in depth ones not just like shallow random ones) & 4 year 2 sport varsity athlete
Essays are 9.5/10
Met the rep and keep in contact with her

I think the ACT is very low, particularly for an EA. This is a school that is pushing the envelope toward 32-34 ACT.

@TomSrOfBoston do you know if applying undecided to northeastern is more difficult to get accepted for? Also, could you chance me? My profile is one page back on this thread.

@St678557 It appears that Northeastern accepts students to the university, not to a particular program so applying undecided should have no effect. Your stats make Northeastern a match but beyond that chancing is impossible.