Northeastern University 2019 RD

Hi All,

This thread is for any discussion/decisions for RD admissions this year!

The official decision date is by April 1st, but historically decisions are released earlier, likely within the range of 3/13 to 3/21 of this year. It will also likely be Tuesday-Thursday with Wednesday being the most common weekday in recent application rounds. Decisions will roll out over a single day geographically radiating out from Boston starting around 4PM EST. A small group of acceptances was released around February 13th, but this is a tiny fraction of the applicant pool.

Some notes for those hearing back:

Release Times

Waves are released hourly on the hour, loosely by geography. Decisions are available on the portal on the hour with emails often coming 30 minutes or more after decisions are available, so if you’re anxious to hear back I’d recommend checking hourly around when your location is expected to hear back. Here are some estimated time ranges:

New England: 4-6PM EST
Mid-Atlantic (PA, MD, VA, etc): 6-7PM EST
Southern States + Midwest: 7-8PM EST
West Coast: 8-9PM EST
International: Varies

Posting Decisions

To all those posting decisions, including the following info would be greatly helpful to people this year and especially in future years. The hope is to compile this information to give some numbers to future applicant pools. Feel free to post as much information of this as you are comfortable with. It shouldn’t have to be said, but numbers do not define you, this is only for statistical purposes :slight_smile:

Decision (and if deferred EA):
SAT/ACT (Superscore):
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info):
Did you apply for FA?:

Thanks and good luck to all!

don’t they release some honors acceptances in february or am i mistaken? i can’t remember exactly from last year

Yeah, I think they came around mid-february, like the 15th.

In the past some top RD applicants did get their decisions in mid-February. I do not believe that happened last cycle, perhaps because of the introduction of ED II last year.

On that note, hello fellow NU hopefuls!
What are y’all hoping to major in?

@OMPursuit Hello! I’m going for Health Science, although I’m not completely positive I’ll stick with that :-? How about you?

I applied for Math and CS! @littlefroggy
There’s a possibility I’d switch to just math, though, or try to do some English on the side.

Hey everyone! I applied to NEU for Computer Science and Linguistics!

so RD should hear by mid to end of March?

does anyone know when RD comes out, for kids that were deferred?

The best I’ve heard is that they’ll notify by 4/1. (Sorry I can’t be more helpful!)

Good luck!

@sfruhling RD applicants and those deferred EA/ED hear the same time in mid-March.

I applied for Health Sciences and Business Administration.

wait, top applicants will hear back on mid-february?

@september202017 In the past they did that but not since ED II started last year.

@TomSrOfBoston oh ok! thanks

@september202017 actually some RD applicants were notified in February last year. if anyone hears, let us know!

really? that would be awesome!! i guess they really just have to wait for 1 semester grades

Just got accepted RD!

My daughter just got accepted RD honors and received a $30,000 scholarship!