Northeastern University 2021 EA

Hi All,

This thread is for any discussion/decisions for EA admissions this year!

Expected Decision Date

The official decision date is by February 1st, but historically decisions are released earlier, likely on a Wednesday. This year it will likely be either January 20th or January 27th, but could be any Tuesday-Thursday between January 12th to January 28th based on the past 5 years of decisions. The earliest release since 2018 was January 22nd, so the earlier dates are highly unlikely. Decisions are released in waves starting at 4PM EST. Social media posts will appear around 4PM EST on the release date. If it is past 4PM EST with no results or social media posts, results are not coming out on that day.

Historically, many people try to make sense of emails and random portal changes, but no pattern appears to exist. Please do not try to read into them as it tends to cause needless anxiety for the group. The same goes for speculation on the decision date. My personal advice is to assume January 27th and to only check at 4PM EST on the two proceeding Wednesday’s. Checking early does not gain an advantage as all applicants will get an email about 30 minutes after their decision is ready.

Previous Admission Cycle Archive Thread (Including Previous Dates)

Merit Aid, Honors, and Financial Aid

If offered, these will be on separate tabs on the admissions portal. If you do not have the tabs, you did not get them.

Financial aid should also be ready if you got all forms submitted in time, but it is not uncommon for them to require more info.

Release Times

On decision day, waves are released hourly on the hour, loosely by geography. Here are some estimated time ranges:

New England: 4-6PM EST
Southern States: 7-9PM EST
Midwest: 6-9PM EST
West Coast: 8-10PM EST
International: Varies

1/21 Update: It has been claimed that a Northeastern official said that decisions for EA would come out at a single time this year instead of hourly waves. If so, the specific time is unknown. As a point of reference, ED decisions the past two years were in a single wave came and out at 7PM EST. Again, even coming out in a single wave is unconfirmed and would be a departure from the usual, but this info bears mentioning.

Posting Decisions

To all those posting decisions, posting the following info would be greatly helpful to people this year and especially in future years. The hope is to compile this information to give some numbers to future applicant pools. Feel free to post as much information as you are comfortable with.

Did you apply for FA?:

Interpreting Decisions

Acceptances: Congrats!

Deferrals are very common for Northeastern and are not soft rejections. It has also been speculated that they may use this to test the interest of overqualified applicants who may withdraw their application for other schools. Temper expectations but do not assume it is a rejection during RD.

Denials: Know that admissions are an imperfect process and what schools you get into or attend do not define you as a person! Good luck with your other college decisions! More information will be released, but you can find a good deal of info in the linked thread below. Please note there may be changes to depending on the state of COVID in Fall and this will likely cause delays in the availability of information. Information / FAQ

Thanks and good luck to all!


Thanks for this. Not sure if you are aware, but the links to threads about Nuin you provided are not working…

The bottom link is working for me! The issue is the forum assumes the name is a URL - those are not actual links! Gonna see if I can format to stop that from happening.

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The link works for me too.

To be clear, these are the links I was referring to:

Here are some posts on CC from parents/students who have done the program:

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Ah, gotcha! I’ll look into fixing these

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Your handle is intriguing. You can’t be both a Penguins and a Phillies fan, or can you? :slight_smile:

My son is waiting EA decision. Our oldest D is a 3rd year at NE and did NUin London fall 2018. Happy to answer questions or provide insight into her experience. Overall I’m a very big fan of NUin. IDK anything about the program during Covid times. But if your son or daughter is accepted, there is an amazing NE Parents Group on FB. It’s an amazing team of parents that really bond and share detailed experiences of everything from dorm room roommates meal plans NUin access to medical etc it’s amazing community. Happy to help in any way. Our son who is waiting did check the NUin box. You can also go on YouTube and search for NUin. Every student is required to make a 5min video of what there experience was like. Maybe helpful to watch some. Good luck to all. I would love my S to also be a HUSKY!!


GL to your son! My son was accepted ED to NUin. :slight_smile:

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Congratulations, you should jump on the NE Parent page on FB. It really is such a valuable resource. congratulations and welcome to your new Husky! :paw_prints: :paw_prints:


Thank you!

I see a couple of NEU Parents groups. I might IM you to find out more ir that’s OK.

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Absolutely. IDK how to IM privately on this. But if you know how, please do.

Just got email from NEU saying

Early Action decisions will be released electronically no later than February 1

If you have received good news from another institution and decided to enroll there, we ask that you please withdraw your application by

Guess everyone with EA got this ?


Our son applied EA and received it as well.

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Yes, my son who applied EA got it too.

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yup got it too !

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At least they seem to be on time, though them stressing that they’d come out by the 1st suggests they’ll be released closer to the 1st.

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did you guys get the email to confirm parent emails too?