Notre Dame Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

This year, the Early Action (EA) Restrictive deadline for the Notre Dame University is November 1.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!


That’s an outstanding HS resume! It is similar to my son’s academics when he was accepted 2 years ago, with the difference in that his EC’s were sports instead of yours. He is there now and has classmates with EC’s similar to yours.
Not that I know anything, but I like your chances! It is just so difficult to say for sure as there are so many outstanding candidates that apply, and it seems to get more competitive every year.
Regardless of where you end up, it will be a fortunate school that gets you as a student!

Any idea what day decisions will be released this year? Will it be the 16th again?

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As you likely already know the website just says “Students who apply in the Restrictive Early Action process receive an admissions decision mid-December.”

I am guessing they want this soft date to allow sufficient wiggle room so they can better match their: admission resources/review time/# of applications.

I think they will do everything they can to get the decisions out before Christmas, and maybe on or before the last final exam of December 16th, and/or Monday, December 19th when all grades are due. I remember one year they released the emails on the 18th? on the 18th hour, 6PM, at 42 minutes after, to match the year of the founding of 1842. I think they will make an announcement 1-2 weeks ahead of time, but not sure how they will communicate that.


I believe last year was Thursday 12/16.


Posted too quickly. Meant to say, last year was Thursday 12/16 so perhaps this year will be the same Thursday, 12/15.


Does anyone know about math/econ major at ND?

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To those who applied under REA for the Class of 2027, did any date on your application checklist change? For example, my CSS profile was submitted sometime in October, but I recently noticed that the date on the application checklist changed from October to mid-November. Does it indicate anything regarding the outcome of my application? I am an international student if that matters.

Not sure, but I would guess that it wouldn’t.

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Have they still not announced an official release date?

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I haven’t seen anything official.

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Hoping to hear a date soon. Do they always announce the date ahead of time?

Last year’s thread shows on Monday, Dec. 13th it was posted on ND’s Undergraduate Admissions homepage that decisions were being released on Thursday, Dec. 16th.


Anyone heard about a date yet? Hoping it’s this week. It’s weird nothing has been announced.

No…but the admissions Instagram is doing a livestream tomorrow and taking questions. Pretty sure they’ll say it’s tomorrow then (the 15th).

College Kickstart’s blog says the 15th…not sure where they got that info: Class of 2027 Early Decision and Early Action Notification Dates - College Kickstart

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Whenever it is it will be at 6:42 pm


Great catch on the Instagram livestream tomorrow! For College Kickstat’s blog, I think that is the estimated date. When you click on the date it says it is the last official date but hasn’t been updated. You can see with other universities “Updated” when they have the latest information.


Ahhh got it.