Paid enrollment deposit. Now I can't apply anywhere else?

I applied to a university that has rolling admissions. I got admission… yay! The university’s web site says to “pay enrollment deposit to reserve your spot”. Reserving my spot seemed like a good idea (it is refundable in any case), so I did.

Now I am applying to another university using the Common App. Just before I press Submit I am presented with a set of “affirmation” checkboxes. One of them says: “I affirm that I will send an enrollment deposit (or equivalent) to only one institution; sending multiple deposits (or equivalent) may result in the withdrawal of my admission offers from all institutions.” WHOOPS!!! Now I can’t apply to other colleges?

I didn’t mean to commit to the other university by paying a deposit, and nothing on their web site says I am making any kind of commitment.

What can I do now? I don’t want to jeopardize my admission to the first university in any way, but I want to continue to apply to other universities.

You still only have one deposit.

You can still apply to other colleges, but if you decide to attend another school, then you would need to withdraw from the rolling admissions school and then deposit at your other choice school.

Enrollment deposit = Committing to a college

If you get admitted to another university you like better and can afford, you withdraw your first enrollment deposit and deposit at the other college you like better. You still only have one deposit.

Regarding the school with rolling admissions, you didn’t really need to send in a deposit to reserve your spot. That might be true for a housing deposit.

Unless you’ve already send multiple deposits, or plan to in the future, there’s no problem accepting that condition.

If you’ve only send one deposit, and plan to withdraw it if you decide to go elsewhere, you’re fine.

We know this, but it sounds like the OP was somewhat misled by the phrasing on the school website.

I think the issue may be you fear you may not be accepted to other institutions because they may know you deposited at another school? Does anyone know if this happens? It may have been a mistake on our part as well. It was worded to “secure housing” as it is not guaranteed and it’s better to “reserve your spot”. Hoping schools are not impacted by deposits. How would they know?

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As others have pointed out, paying a deposit does not mean you can’t apply anywhere else. The only requirement is that you can’t pay deposit to two colleges. Before paying deposit to a new college you should contact the first one, let them know you will not be attending and get your deposit back.

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Schools do not know you have deposited elsewhere.

Deposits are often not refundable (talking about those to hold your space in the class).