Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

How are y’all doing?

Summer is flying by so very fast here! D22’s in the last few days of her summer job and one of her good friends is leaving this weekend to go to his grandparents’ many states away and to college from there in a few weeks. All these milestones that were hazy on the edge of the horizon in May are coming up fast.

It’s just two weeks before D22 will leave for college! We are not ready. I mean, we need to go to the store and buy sheets, etc, but I’m not sure how I feel about an empty nest either! On one hand staying home during the first part of COVID brought some extra time that we wouldn’t have had, but on the other hand it feels like ripping off a bandaid a little bit instead of a gradual separation.

I think D22 is pretty ready emotionally, though. I mentioned something about making sure to have some quality time before she goes and she said, ‘you had two years of quality time.’ I think she’s eager to be moving on with her life and that’s what I want, too, really. But our '19 just moved out in Feb so after having that super full nest during the stay at home COVID time it’s just going to be weird with me and the man and the cats rattling around the house. Might have to plan some trips!

Hope y’all are doing well down the home stretch!