Parents of the HS Class of 2025

@Kumihama-Cho, it sounds like you got back from Alaska just as we returned—clearly there is some sort of geographically-based Law of Conservation of Co2025ers out there just waiting for the physicists to discover.:upside_down_face:

We did one college tour while we were in the lower 48, at San Diego State University—my tour report is available on the Colleges Your Child Crossed Off the List thread, along with a mention of my C23’s experience with the University of Colorado Denver (which hosted her music tech camp).

The big fun of the summer, aside from the just-completed family vacation, is that my C25 and I are working on a topical-to-this-forum research project that we’re going to submit later this summer for presentation at an academic conference. Basically, we’re looking at salutation practices in college recruitment materials. We have a handful of preliminary results, but nothing solid yet. I promise I’ll post a summary here once we have something more complete to say, though, I promise!