Prep School Admissions Videos

They are kind of fun. PA, DA, Hotchkiss, Choate, PEA, SGS, NMH so far…feel free to add.

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Lawrenceville made these back when I was an applicant:

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The Hill School

I don’t know how to post the video but posted a link if you “click” on school name above

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George School has one too. Not sure how to link!

PEA 2022


A terrific one from Exeter, 2018.


What does Exeter have that Andover doesn’t? Sparklers.

Admission video from Loomis:

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Acceptance video (:shushing_face:):

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In their Facebook post just now, Andover linked to the same “You Can Do This Video” from last year. I was hoping for some new content!


Millbrook and Pomfret were personalized videos with an AO directly talking about all the things they liked about our daughter’s application, mixed in with the general video of kids cheering, places around campus, etc. Those were really nice and, Millbrook’s especially really showed they understand who the kids are based on what they said - it felt very personal and not just a generic, “Welcome to our school, INSERT CHILD’S NAME HERE!” They mentioned things from her application, the interview, and more. Very well done.


Pretty amazing that they do that for each admitted student!

I heard George does that too! Not when we applied, so sorry to have missed it…

WOW that is amazing

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New Hampton School Acceptance Video.


Definitely fits with their vibe of being a place where kids feel seen and needed as an essential part of the community.

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Vermont Academy’s video


Yes, we had the same for Dublin. Very personalized, and I found it representative of what we’ve heard from folks we know about how heavily they emphasize community.

Whelp, I’m not technically advanced enough to link. Fantastic video on their insta

I went to Pomfret and the video is indicative of their culture-warm and accepting. My daughter goes to a different school because of a sport but I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Pomfret to anyone!