Rose-Hulman RHIT Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Early Action admissions decisions are scheduled to be released December 15. Regular Decision is March 15 notification.

Financial Aid award notifications will start coming in January. I believe this is true of both merit aid and need-based aid.

“Receive Rose-Hulman’s Financial Aid Award Notification: Early Action admits start in January. Regular admits in March.”

It will be so nice to have the admission decision before the winter holiday. Our family will need that aid offer to make it a real option, however. Crossing fingers, because it’s a favorite for my kid.


Was Dec 15th confirmed as the decision date anywhere? In the portal it still says mid-December.

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Their website says 12/15.

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Last year RHIT gave strong applicants merit awards equal to 50% of tuition automatically with acceptance notifications.


So, last year they released EA decisions mid-day on Dec 15th. They appeared in the portal first, and then official notices came later. The portal currently says mid-December, but the admissions webpage still says Dec 15th. There’s no mention of decision dates on RHIT social media.

Crossing fingers for good news to arrive tomorrow for everyone!


Has anyone received an update on their portal for EA today? Nothing yet here.

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Son’s portal looks the same as it did yesterday.

Nothing here either

Has anyone checked in with RHIT Admissions staff?

Just checked reddit and someone said 4pm EST. I think they just asked admissions. We’re going to run some errands and there will likely be a decision when we return. Exciting!


Not so patiently waiting…. :laughing:… the whole family is on pins and needles!!!

My son’s portal says Admit next to Applicant. Assuming he is in??? We don’t know how to read it.


Hmmm… mine looks the same as yesterday.

Can you share a screen shot with name marked out?

I think he may be in! Oh last name is at the end of the alphabet… depending on how their system works, it may take time to update everyone’s login. Sometimes things like this are done in batches.



Accepted! YAY!


Same here but no idea what it means since it seems like an science should generate a more positive note :joy:.


Agree, the “Admit” button and video were a bit underwhelming! No confetti!


So it’s an acceptance? There was confetti with SMC in CA, lots of it so we knew.

I hope this is not a reflection of the spirit of the school :grin:

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