Stupidest reason child won't look at a college

<p>Had to share this one. Mentioned to son that he might want to check out University of Minnesota for biomedical engineering because there seem to be a lot of biomed companies located in that area, and would probably be good in obtaining internships, coops.</p>

<p>Son replied that he would not look at Minnesota because he does not like the Vikings because they prevented the Saints from making the playoffs one year.</p>

<p>I was dumbfounded. Boys!</p>

<p>Not even going to bring up any New England school because he absolutely hates the Patriots!</p>

<p>This coming from my non sports loving son who refuses to even visit a school because “sports are too big there.”</p>

<p>Again, BOYS!</p>

<p>At least Marquette is safe. We love the Packers!</p>


<p>My son just decided to head to Marquette, so hopefully I can join the other parents/students and share MU information.</p>

<p>My son refused to even consider one school because the name rhymed with his name. Seriously.</p>

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<p>while those reasons might seem silly, there are so many colleges in the country to pick from that there's no reason to pick one that has something about it that really rubs you the wrong way.</p>

<p>Furthermore, the reasons you two have given aren't really THAT much sillier that those who would pick University of X over University of Y because X is ranked 2 spots ahead of Y by US News, and that seems to happen on college confidential ALL the time.</p>


<p>University of Wisconsin - Madison is a good engineering school too.</p>

<p>I ruled out any college that was too urban.</p>

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<p>My daughter refused to apply to Duke because she said she can't handle southern accents!</p>

<p>My niece ruled out Princeton solely on the basis that she disliked the tour guide's shoes.</p>


<p>My D refused to look at any college out of state. We live in CA, so we do have a great UC system & some wonderful privates. She had very impressive grades & stats, and I mentioned several wonderful options ... but she'd have none of it. I'm sure it was because deep-down, she's always wanted to go to USC. I also don't think she was quite ready to go 3000 miles away. I guess it's not a stupid reason....but a little frustrating considering what some of her other options could have been.</p>

My daughter refused to apply to Duke because she said she can't handle southern accents!


<p>Lol! </p>

<p>Believe me, as someone who was born and raised in New Jersey but has lived in the south most of my life, the feels go both ways! I also used to asked, "why do y'all talk so fast?" To which I would reply "Get to the point already!"</p>

<p>momomschki's niece wins.</p>

<p>May I add a category for the stupidest reason for wanting to apply?</p>

<p>My D liked both Haverford and Bucknell because of their MASCOTS. "Buffalo (bison) are cute in a furry kind of way!" and "You gotta love a college that has a squirrel as a mascot." (Side note: she chose a LAC that doesn't have any kind of mascot.)</p>

<p>Son refused to visit/consider a school that is named after a toothpaste.</p>


<p>Cedar Crest? Isn't that a women's college?</p>

<p>The tour guide at U. of Miami said he decided to go there because of the gliding chairs they have at the lakeside restaurant!</p>

<p>^^ LOL. Colgate.</p>


<p>Maybe Colgate?</p>

<p>I believe he was speaking of Tom's of Maine University. Or perhaps Aquafresh College?</p>


<p>My son did not consider a school in Pittsburgh because he is a diehard Ravens fan and cannot stand the Steelers. The youngest one said the same, but he is a diehard Washington Capitals fan.</p>


<p>Well, my S is a junior so he's hadn't applied anywhere just yet. However, it's not been easy to get him to consider anything outside CA, either. His argument: "Why do I need to apply outside CA? There are so many good schools here, I enjoy the culture and like the weather." It's been an interesting process to get him looking at places like Northwestern, UPenn or Duke. He's opening up a little now that the seniors at his school are making their choices.</p>

<p>Let's see. Well, there was Brown. It was raining. At what kind of crappya** college would it rain?
No schools in New Jersey, because we live in NJ. No big colleges (would not even lift head up from reclining position when we drove around UNC Chapel Hill). Loves Virginia, but no Washington and Lee--too southern. No Ohio, too midwestern. No North Carolina--because the weather in North Carolina is way too hot, unlike the weather in Virginia. At some schools, tour guides were too stupid or pretentious, like the guide at Brown who said something like, "Maybe you won't make it at Brown, but you'll make it somewhere." (okay, that was pretentious). </p>

<p>Gee I wish I could do it all over again.</p>

<p>Endicott, That is hilarious. Perhaps it should be required reading before a parent can open the "college visits" section.</p>