Transfer back to old university?

Wherever you go- there you are.

Presumably you had solid reasons for choosing College A. And presumably you were unhappy enough at College A to transfer to College B. And now you are both unhappy at College B, AND thinking you were better off at College A.

Have you done some introspection to identify how much you may be contributing to your lack of satisfaction? That could give you some insights into what you should do now.

Of course it’s worth transferring if it’s going to give you a markedly better experience. But you don’t know that. You tried it and didn’t like it. How is the next go-round going to be different? There are no guarantees-- and by the time you go back, your social and academic networks will be gone and you’ll need to rebuilt (aka becoming a freshman all over again).

How are the career outcomes for your major better- is that your perception or is that reality? How are you going to feel if you go back and all the things you disliked the first time still bug you? And most important- what are you not doing RIGHT NOW to improve your experience where you are???