Transferring due to harassment

Sorry, mod, I don’t believe that poster’s response was in good faith and was an attempt at gaslighting, because nowhere in my comment did I state that. The same goes for the other comments that I need to essentially stop posting (this thread was just started in the last day) and stop seeking additional advice and to not mention any negative experience in the app at all. Nor was the response about my gender in good faith, even if I were a man, because I could be an “old” man seeking to transfer college and not a “young” man - how condescending and arrogant of that poster. I don’t believe that gender comment was appropriate at all, and I believe your switch to a “slow thread” was motivated by call out for this comment as well as your own opinion that negative experiences should not be mentioned, given how you said I should leave my own thread to “process” responses and “allow others to join in”. The first is unnecessary, since I’ve been carefully processing every response and replying to every response as well as “allowing” anyone to comment so long as it is appropriate and doesn’t belittle me for seeking additional different perspectives.

For future comments, I would prefer constructive advice on tactful explanations or additional reasoning from a different angle that I should not mention any negative experience. So far, reasoning for not mentioning negative responses has been the following and quite repetitive:

  • It makes me look bad
  • AOs will just turn the page
  • AOs don’t care about your previous university (actually not true)
  • They are like HR and want to protect the university
  • Fears of suspicions and similar accusations at their university
  • No resources to address issues
  • Many other applicants don’t mention it in their apps (but are they successful admits to “top” universities?)
  • Just transfer to a university that takes low gpas, because low gpa wouldn’t be admitted anyway

For future commenters, please address the following concerns mentioned in earlier comments to keep the discussion moving forwards:

  • I’m sure they would want more explanation so the same issues don’t repeat at the transfer institution.
  • I’m not yet completely convinced because I would be skeptical of an application without an explanation that simply says it isn’t a good fit but doesn’t justify why performance would suddenly improve at another university.

Please also refrain from general comments about the following:

  • Advising to get mental health treatment
  • Advising to get legal services

Unless they are referrals to specific services or admissions counselors, as one commenter helpfully messaged me.

Thanks very much for everyone’s responses.