U Penn [$89k->$20k(GI)] vs Bowdoin [$80k->$0(GI)] vs GWU [$86k->$30k(merit)] vs W and L (Johnson scholar) [$83k->$4k(merit)] vs Oberlin [$82k->?] vs UNC (honors College) [$57k->$20k(merit)] [family GI Bill money or merit]

Here’s the link to the W&L thread mentioned above: Washington & Lee University: Expectations vs Reality

The most important thing is what are the pros and cons for your student? Which school seems like the best fit for him? (Knowing that the W&L visit is yet to come)? It sounds like he maybe liked Bowdoin better than Penn?

I don’t think that W&L is at the same level as Bowdoin and Penn, but what I think really doesn’t matter! I am sure he will do well whichever of these schools he chooses.