**UC Irvine Class of 2025 decisions (stats only)**

Since some Early Admits will be posting shortly, I thought I would start the STATS only Decision Thread. Please no discussions, just list all pertinent information based on the template below. Best of luck to all applicants.

Decision Template:

Decision: Admitted

Decision: Waitlisted

Decision: Rejected

Merit scholarships awarded (if any):

Major (and division if applicable) applied to:


Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

UC Unweighted GPA:

UC Capped Weighted GPA:

UC Fully Weighted GPA:

ELC (top 9%):

Comments about course load (including senior year):

SAT Subject Tests (if any):

AP exams (scores in parentheses):

IB exams (score in parentheses):

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:


Job/Work Experience:

Volunteer/Community service:

Summer Activities:

Personal Insight essays (details):

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review:


State (if domestic applicant):

Country (if international applicant):

High school type:


Applied for need-based financial aid?:

Pell grant eligible?:

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?:

Highest level of parent education:

Living with both, one, or no parents?:




Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:


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My son has been admitted to CS with regents - Instate.
GPA : UCUW 4.0 ; UC Capped 4.33 ; UC Uncapped 4.75
SAT Math 2 : 800 ; ACT 36
13 AP Courses (5 and 4)
13 College Courses in Math/CS/Econ
Completed Multivariable Calculus, Differential Eq & Linear Algebra
Math Instructor at Mathnasium, Own software development business
8 years of music with participation at District/State level + Youth Symphony.

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Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Regents $5,000/year

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Mechanical Engineering

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0 UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.27 UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.63 ELC (top 9%): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): 17 AP/IB/CC Classes, IB Diploma

SAT Subject Tests (if any): Math 2: 790, Bio: 770

AP exams (scores in parentheses): Human Geography (5),

Biology (5), Computer Science (5), Lang (5), Calc BC (5) and Physics (5)

IB exams (score in parentheses): World Religion (6) Taking HL Physics, HL Math, HL English, SL Spanish and Music now.

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): PSAT Commended

Extracurriculars: Robosub Team (Semi-Finalist), Math Club (UCSD Math Competition Team won first place), Track (JV Athlete of the Year), Youth Entrepreneur Award (city competition) second place

Job/Work Experience: TutorVolunteer/Community service: Church High School Youth Group Leadership (3 Years),
Worship Team-Plays guitar and cajon in band (4 years)
Music- Piano, Guitar, drums (from 4 years old)
Church Middle School Group Leader (3 years)
Lots of volunteer hours helping community (activities at church, food bank)
Youth Court Juror (4 years)
Trained for, raised money and ran the LA Half Marathon as part of a group to bring clean water to children in Africa. Group raised over $100,000.

Summer Activities: Summer school every summer

Personal Insight essays (details): Spent lots of time on them.

State (if domestic applicant): California

High school type: Public

Gender: Male

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted: SDSU, CPP, Cal Poly Slo, UCR, UCI

Waiting to hear from: UCSD, UCLA, UCSB, UCD, UC Berkeley

S21 admitted to EE with regents and honors collegium - in state.
GPA : UCUW 3.96 ; UC Capped 4.22 ; UC Uncapped 4.52
ELC: yes
13 AP Courses, maxed out STEM classes
Awards: AP Scholar w/Distinction
3 yrs boys varsity tennis, tennis coach job, girls’ tennis team manager
Community service
Major-related summer internship
Decent PIQs
Public high school (large, 750 students in graduating class, mid-low poverty level
No need-based aid

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Decision: Admitted
Merit Scholarships: N/A but was accepted to Honors College
Major: Electrical Engineering

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.94

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.15

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.62

ELC (top 9%): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): 11 AP Total + 13 Dual Enrollment + 4 Honors

SAT Subject Tests (if any): 780 Math Lvl 2

AP exams (scores in parentheses): 11 Exams total, 6 scores (5s in Calc AB Calc BC Human Geo, 4s in APES and Physics 1 and 3 in AP Lang)

IB exams (score in parentheses): NA

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NA


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

Extracurriculars: Science Fair (Regional Winner in Sacramento Region + ISEF qualified), Science Olympiad (highest competitive team), Orchestra (Viola section leader), Academic Decathlon (Vice President),

Job/Work Experience: NA

Volunteer/Community service: Was a Canvasser for a national political campaign (only listed on common app)

Summer Activities: Listed Above

Personal Insight essays (details):
Prompt 2: Wrote about Election Forecasting Model (10/10)
Prompt 4: Wrote about Orchestra and meaning to me (6/10)
Prompt 6: wrote about love of physics (9/10)
Prompt 8: Talked above Science Fair Project (10/10)

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: NA

DEMOGRAPHICS:: Asian American, upper middle class

State (if domestic applicant): California

Country (if international applicant): USA

High school type: medium sized public

Gender: male sex, enby gender

Applied for need-based financial aid?: yes

Pell grant eligible?: no

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?: no

Highest level of parent education: parent 1 has masters

Living with both, one, or no parents?: both


Strengths: Essays, Grades,

Weaknesses: Probably my capped GPA and maybe my 4th essay (I could’ve done better), Extracurriculars

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: strong GPA + decent essays

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted: Cal Poly SLO, SJSU, UPitt
Rejected: Stanford
Waiting to hear from: UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, UCLA, UC Berkeley, WUSTL, Northeastern, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, MIT, Princeton, Duke

Good luck everyone!!! Fingers crossed!

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Regents Scholar & accepted into UCI’s Honors Collegium

Major: Nursing Science (as a freshman)


UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.42

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.61

ELC (top 9%): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): in total took 9 APs, & 1 community college course for Human Anatomy the summer of 2020

SAT Subject Tests (if any): didn’t take any

AP exams (scores in parentheses):
9th Grade AP Human Geo (2)
10th Grade AP Euro (2)
11th Grade AP Biology (4), AP English Lang (5), AP US History (5)
12th Grade AP Calculus AB, AP English Lit, AP Psychology, AP Physics
i failed the first 2 exams but did my best to show improvement

IB exams (score in parentheses): didn’t take any IBs

Major Awards:

  • AP Scholar 2020
  • MESA 1st Place in Architectural Design, 2nd Place in Civil Structures
  • Academic Decathlon: several team & individual awards on regional level
  • Key Club: Platinum Member (highest recognition on District’s member recognition program) & Distinguished Club ; across California, Nevada, Hawaii



  • 11th grade publicist/news editor, 12th grade co-president of Key Club : worked w/ other co-president to transform what used to be an inactive club. major improvements/progress. resulted in multiple recognitions. events on club, division, district & international level.
  • 9th grade representative, 9th-11th grade publicist, 12th grade co-president of California Scholarship Federation
  • 9th grade arts & decor head to help host & organize CSF statewide conference
  • 11th grade publicist of Academic Decathlon. progressed & improved in team placements. competed against other schools & long hours of prep. took zero period class
  • 10th grade publicist of Math, Engineering, Science Achievement. compete annually in team @ UCSB; also improved throughout years
  • part of UCSB’s Early Academic Outreach Program
  • Marching/Symphonic Band since 6th grade ; several overall band awards
  • Played piano in a program since 2010, at church since 2015
  • helped found community wide youth group in summer 2020
  • volunteered at Kaiser Permanente during 10th & 11th grade ; specifically in the neurology department
  • participated in Dr. Fowler’s Virtual Shadowing Program via Zooms starting summer 2020; featuring presentations by healthcare professionals
  • in 10th grade, tutored a senior needing to graduate
  • Western Association of Students & Colleges Ambassador; helped school achieve accredition

Job/Work Experience:
none; most time took up with volunteering or extracurriculars but def reccommend this. i regret not working during hs if i could’ve

Summer Activities:

  • Band Camp (2 months; 5 days / wk , 3-4 hrs / day)
  • Kaiser Permanente (4 hrs / wk )
  • took Human Anatomy course @ local CC during summer of 2020
  • any extracurricular events/meetings for CSF, Key Club

Personal Insight essays (details):

  1. wrote about experience leading & majorly improving a club during a pandemic & personal growth from it ; emphasized leadership & initiative, my interests in encouraging service in others & their potentials
  2. focused on an experience i had tutoring a senior needing help in a class needed to graduate
  3. piano & how i went from relying on sheet music, to learning how to improvise → connected to my “willingness to learn”
  4. wrote about my personal struggles on figuring out my passion & how i pursued this pathway (nursing). personal reflection.

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review:
received one from my Key Club advisor (also my AP bio teacher) & CSF advisor (also a math teacher). extremely grateful for them (only UCLA & CSUF required LORs for nursing)


State (if domestic applicant): yes

Applied for need-based financial aid?: yes

Pell grant eligible?: no


Why you think you were accepted: i think a lot of it was the improvement/growth/progress i made sure to try and emphasize in my app. while i cannot say what the AOs thought of me while reading my app, if i had to guess, it would be that factor. my progress in improving my AP scores, taking on more AP courses each year, commiting to my activities and slowly stepping up into higher positions, improving & growing in the piano, mentoring musicians to learn instruments, helping transform a club, etc. but even more important than these activities or “accomplishments” i believe the other big part was the personal reflecting and making sure i hit on mentioning my reasons for wanting to pursue the nursing pathway; not keeping it generalized but making it a personal story. honestly there is no one reason, one rubric or one way to get accepted because i myself was convinced i would get rejected by a lot of places bc of how competitive nursing is. i know a lot of other, highly qualified applicants, in previous years who did activities such as taking up CNA courses, volunteering every week multiple days at various hospitals, partook in medical internships , projects and so on. i did none of those.

i did mention in my app that my plans to volunteer more during senior yr were cancelled & that i meant to take a lab asst course under my key club/ ap bio teacher but it got taken away but overall i think they really look for a mix and balance of your personal growth as a person, not just all the time you dedicated yourself to primarily nursing. in hs i was figuring myself out but set myself on growing myself as a leader thru the activities i was in, even if they were not all medical related. but the traits i did gain , i made sure to tie back to how those would set me up for pursuing the nursing field.

i made sure to overall do my best to even briefly or somehow tie it to my pursuits of nursing. not necessarily in a direct way but the traits/experiences that would help set me up for it; even if i didn’t do all the other things i mentioned before.

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
accepted to CSUCI for Pre-Nursing, invited to interview for CSUF School of Nursing but no results yet. no results from SDSU or UCLA (both nursing programs) yet.

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Sorry. Post removed.

This is a Stats only Thread. Please no discussions Thank you

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Applied, unknown.

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Korean Lit & Culture


Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.7

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.1

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.17

ELC (top 9%): Unknown

Comments about course load (including senior year): No APs

SAT Subject Tests (if any): None

AP exams (scores in parentheses): None

IB exams (score in parentheses): None

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles: Tennis MVP

Extracurriculars: Girls Tennis Captain, Manager Boys

Job/Work Experience: None

Volunteer/Community service: None

Summer Activities: Community college courses

Personal Insight essays (details): Sports, leadership, sibling rivalry

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: None


State (if domestic applicant): CA

Country (if international applicant): NA

High school type: Public

Gender: F

Applied for need-based financial aid?: Y

Pell grant eligible?: No

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?: NA

Highest level of parent education: College grad

Living with both, one, or no parents?: one


Strengths: Essay

Weaknesses: No APs, no testing

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: NA

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: NA


Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): none

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Chemistry


Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0

UC Capped Weighted GPA: unsure

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.21 (unsure)

ELC (top 9%): top 10%, yes ( school doesn’t offer more detailed stats)

Comments about course load (including senior year): 2 honors or AP courses per year, when available

SAT Subject Tests (if any): n/a

AP exams (scores in parentheses): Chemistry (5), Calculus A/B (5)

IB exams (score in parentheses):

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

Extracurriculars: varsity water polo and swim team (4 years), marching band (2 years)

Job/Work Experience: lifeguard 2 years

Volunteer/Community service: various - mostly committed to volunteer tutoring, a few hours per week

Summer Activities: work and rec swim

Personal Insight essays (details): Not a strong storyteller/writer, but covered highlights of a varied education and EC life.

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: n/a


State (if domestic applicant): CA

Country (if international applicant):

High school type: Public, large

Gender: Male

Applied for need-based financial aid?: No

Pell grant eligible?: No

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?:

Highest level of parent education: BA

Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both


Strengths: Grades, and likes a variety of ECs

Weaknesses: Writing and art (although was involved in music)

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Good grades and ECs

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: accepted Cal Polo SLO and Pomona, SDSU (no decisions yet from the others)

GENERAL COMMENTS: excited :slight_smile:

Decision: DS21 - Admitted on 3/12 4:22p

Merit scholarships awarded (if any):

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Aerospace Engineering


Calculate your GPAs with https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.27

UC Fully Weighted GPA: ?

ELC (top 9%): yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): All honors classes taken since 9th (but only Honors Chem accepted at UC) / Sr Year Class Sched:6 AP Classes & PLTW Engineering

SAT Subject Tests (if any):

AP exams (scores in parentheses): APUSH 5, APEURO 3, AP BIO 4, AP Eng Lang 5 - Sr year: AP CAL AB & BC, AP SPANISH, AP Lit, AP US Gov, AP Physics

IB exams (score in parentheses):

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Natl Merit Commended Student, CBRP Honoree, AP Scholar with Honors


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

Extracurriculars:Robotics Club-Co Pres-VEX/. XC 3 years/ Track 1 year

Job/Work Experience: Peer Tutor since 11th, Tutor Supervisor

Volunteer/Community service: NHS-CSO / Key Club - Treasurer/ School Science Expo

Summer Activities: STEM Paid Student Teacher for school district

Personal Insight essays (details): Solid and insightful but no “wow” or unique circumstances

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review:


State (if domestic applicant): CA - Sacto area

Country (if international applicant):

High school type: 4-yr public

Gender: Male

Applied for need-based financial aid?: yes

Pell grant eligible?: no

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?:

Highest level of parent education: Both Bachelor
Degrees from UCLA

Living with both, one, or no parents?: both


Strengths: GPA, lots of ECs and class rank - #1


Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Class rank, GPA, Sr classes rigor, lots of ECs - well rounded experience

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

Accepted: Cal Poly SLO (Aerospace Eng) / Seton Hall with merit/ UCSB (2nd choice Applied Math)/UCI

WL: CO School of Mines


GENERAL COMMENTS: Good luck to all!

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Decision: Admitted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Chemistry


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.91

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.00

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.14

Comments about course load (including senior year): 7 AP classes in total and all honors classes every year of high school (none of the honors were considered UC honors). 2 AP classes, 7 dual enrollment classes with the University of Minnesota during my senior year. Also a year ahead in math, took calc BC during my junior year.

AP exams (scores in parentheses): US history (5), Lang (3), Stats (4), Calc BC (5), Euro (5)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Commended National Merit Scholar

Extracurriculars: Varsity swimmer for 5 years, state finalist, captain. NHS officer (secretary).

Job/Work Experience: McDonald’s summer before sophomore year, Lifeguard summer before junior year, and no job before senior year due to COVID.

Volunteer/Community service: Swim coach (about 150 hours in total), and other various volunteering with NHS and my swim team (about 100 hours in total).

Summer Activities: Swim team and Job

Personal Insight essays (details): I’d say 2 out of my 4 essays were strong, the other 2 were okay and kind of weak.


State (if domestic applicant): MN

High school type: Public, about 2500 kids. Top 3 high school in Minnesota multiple years in a row

Gender: Male

Applied for need-based financial aid?: No

Highest level of parent education: Both completed a graduate program

Living with both, one, or no parents?: both


Strengths: Nothing was super strong in my application. My swimming career probably helped because of how much time I dedicated. It was 8 practices a week usually totaling in over 20 hours of swimming each week and I was also enrolled in decently hard classes every year of high school. Also being a commended National merit scholar may have cushioned my GPA a bit and shown I could do well on standardized tests during a test-blind application process.

Weaknesses: Definitely my grades. I had 7 B’s on my transcript and I thought that would be my downfall lmao.

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Honestly I don’t know, it seems people with higher stats than me were rejected.

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: accepted to University of Minnesota, and UC Santa Cruz via early admission. Rejected from UChicago.

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): none

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Earth System Science


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.7

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.1

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.3

ELC (top 9%): idk tbh lol

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Sophomore year: AP World History, Spanish 3 Honors, and Honors Chemistry
Junior year: AP Stats, AP Spanish Lang, AP US History, AP English Lang, Honors Precalculus, and AP Chemistry
Senior year: AP English Lit, AP Environmental Science, AP Calculus BC, AP Microeconomics, AP Government and Politics, AP Physics, and AP Biology.

SAT Subject Tests (if any): none

AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Spanish Lang (3) and AP English Lang (3)

IB exams (score in parentheses): none

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): CSF and volunteer awards


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles: see extracurriculars

I’ve started my own nonprofit organization based on encouraging local youth to practice healthy eating and sustainability along with a paid internship in So-Cal with vegan dietitians who practice sustainability and reverse diverse diseases through plant-based diets. I started my own club in my high school for my denomination and encourage my fellow students to help others in our community. I deliver groceries to residents at my local nursing home and I’ve made homemade masks for them at the beginning of the pandemic. I’ve also done my own research and wrote a paper about the effects of GMOs on the human body and the impacts it has on soil and water quality. I’ve done many mission trips to impoverished parts of Mexico and built shelters for them.

Job/Work Experience: Paid Internship w/ registered dietitians.

Volunteer/Community service: listed above

Summer Activities: listed above

Personal Insight essays (details): really strong and excellent 10/10

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: none


State (if domestic applicant): in-state

Country (if international applicant):

High school type: public

Gender: female

Applied for need-based financial aid?: yes

Pell grant eligible?: none

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?: none

Highest level of parent education: post-grad

Living with both, one, or no parents?: both


Strengths: GPA, PIQs, and extracurriculars

Weaknesses: sophomore semester grades

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: PIQs and extracurriculars

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: UCR, UC Merced, CSULB, CSUB, SFSU, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF, CSULA, Concordia University Irvine, Gannon University, and Hawaii Pacific University
Waiting: UCLA, UC Berkely, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, USC, UC Davis, BU, University of Miami, and Pitzer College

Be a well-rounded student, show interest in your major!!!

Decision: Accepted
Major: Psychology

Unweighted UC GPA: 3.82
Capped Weighted: 4.11
Fully Weighted: 4.14
Course Load: All honors, No APs (not offered at my school), IB Diploma Candidate
IB Exams: Psychology SL (6), Chem HL, Math AI SL, English HL, History HL, Spanish B SL
ACT: 34

ECs: Model UN (president), Environmental Club (club leader), Drama Club, Spanish Club, Service Club, middle school volleyball coach, local magazine journalist, stage manager, actor, and children’s teacher for local community theatre/nonprofit organization, NHS

Awards: Leadership Award (theatre-based), Service Award (school, 4 years)

Job/Work Experience: Hostess at Country Club (2.5 years), Server Assistant at Country Club (1.5 years), Babysitting (5 years)

Volunteer: Theatre stuff listed above, arts education instructor for underprivileged elementary school students, volunteer at local homeless shelter

Personal Insight: All really well-done according to my counselors, probably 8-9/10

State: WI
High School Type: Private/Catholic
Gender: Female
Didn’t apply for need-based aid
Highest Level of Parent Education: MD
Lives with both parents (divorced, separate homes)

Strengths: Good essays, strong theme in ECs, test scores (not applicable at UCs this year)
Weaknesses: Lower GPA, lack of ECs/awards that show my interest in major
Also accepted at UW-Madison (in state), U Minnesota, Alabama
Rejected from UNC
Waiting on 10 more target/reach schools

Decision Template: Rejected

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: CS


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.90

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.20

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.20

ELC (top 9%): Yes. 24 of 400

Comments about course load (including senior year): Mostly AP / Honor courses 9th -11. Sr. year All 7 AP courses.

AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Physic (5), AP Calc (5), APush (5), AP Lit (5), AP English Comp (5), AP micro econ (4), AP Macro (5), AP Comp Sci (5)


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

1st Place - County Science Fair
NHS Officer

Extracurriculars: Varsity and Competitive Swimming and Water Polo - Captain. Swimming - State Sectional Qualifier.

Job/Work Experience: Math and Chem Tutor, Lifeguard, Youtuber.

Volunteer/Community service: Earth Day organizer, Food bank, Church

Personal Insight essays (details): - I talked about my passion and love for the Church.

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: Looks good to me. 1 from a priest, 3 teachers and 2 from my HS and CLub coaches. None used for UCs offcourse.


State (if domestic applicant): CA

High school type: Public Freshman - Jr, then Private Parochial Sr.

Gender: M

Applied for need-based financial aid?: N

Pell grant eligible?: N

Highest level of parent education: Both Masters

Living with both, one, or no parents?: Both


Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: GPA and major

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Georgetown- accepted, Fordham - accepted, Notre Dame - accepted, Mines - accepted, Tulane - WL, SLO - Rejected, CSLB - Rejected, SJSU - Rejected, U of Illinois - Accepted, U of Chicago - WL, UCI - Rejected, UC Berkeley, San Diego and Davis, waiting.

GENERAL COMMENTS: If I don’t get any of UC I am considering CS program at U of Illinois or Mines.

Decision: Admitted

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): AP Scholar With Distinction, National Merit Semi-Finalist

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Biological Sciences


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.46

UC Capped Weighted GPA: 3.75

UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.18

ELC (top 9%): ?

Comments about course load (including senior year): 5 AP Classes Senior year, 4 Junior, 1 Sophomore and 1 Freshman. Most of the rest are honors.

SAT Subject Tests (if any): No subject tests, my SAT was a 1470 without superscoring, 690 Math and 780 Reading

AP exams (scores in parentheses): AP Human Geo (4) AP World History (5) AP Lang (5) APUSH (4) AP Physics (4) AP Seminar (3)

IB exams (score in parentheses):

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): N/a


For the following, indicate level of recognition or award (e.g. local, state, national, international) and/or leadership roles:

Extracurriculars: Varsity Wrestling, top scorer on Scholastic Division for Academic Decathlon (2nd Place at State)

Job/Work Experience: Lifeguard at local beach

Volunteer/Community service: Through Omega Club I do community service here and there.

Summer Activities: Took dual enrollment classes at local community college, lifeguarding

Personal Insight essays (details): Essay was about my experience moving from my birthplace of KY to CA and then Chicago where I currently live, as well as its effects on my connection to my family and religious beliefs (I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness)

Letters of recommendation/Augmented Review: Strong letters of Rec from my Academic Decathlon coach and my AP World teacher


State (if domestic applicant): IL

Country (if international applicant):

High school type: College Prep

Gender: M

Applied for need-based financial aid?: Yes

Pell grant eligible?: No

Maximum Pell grant (FAFSA EFC = $0)?: No

Highest level of parent education: High school

Living with both, one, or no parents?: One parent (single mom)


Strengths: Diverse personal story, good SATs, good amount of APs, college prep hs

Weaknesses: average extra curriculars, low gpa, no super prestigious awards or anything

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: luck probably

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I was accepted to UK, rejected from Johns Hopkins, UCSD, Georgia Tech, and Cornell

GENERAL COMMENTS: Basically when if you’re stressing ab a low gpa or mediocre ECs, you can hopefully find some solace in these stats

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