UMich Deferral Class of 2025

I recently got deferred from UMich to the RD pool. I applied for LSA and was undeclared. Is there any chance I make it in or is it pretty hard to make it in after getting deferred? I’m OOS, 33 ACT, 4.2 GPA.

This is the note I got: We have decided to postpone making a decision on your application at this time and your application will be moved into our regular decision pool for consideration. Your high school counselor should submit any new fall-term grades that are available on your behalf through the Common Application/Coalition Application. All final admissions decisions of admit, deny, or waitlist will be made no later than early April.


hey! i’m in the same boat so i want to see if i have a chance too! i’m oos, 32 ACT, 4.3 GPA. have you submitted the letter of continued interest?

I am in the same boat too!!! 32 ACT (33ss) and a 4.23 gpa. Really keeping my fingers crossed!


Okay that gives me a little bit of hope haha. Yeah I did.


is there anything else we need to do? i don’t want to annoy my AO

I don’t think so. The only thing I was going to do was ask my high school counselor to submit my senior grades and she already did that. I think I’m just going to wait unless someone tells me otherwise.

Same here. :frowning: :slight_smile:

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how do you see if your counselor submitted your mid-year transcript? is it on enrollment connect?

I don’t see my sons on enrollment connect, but had to order it through parchment and received a confirmation email from parchment direct that the transcript was received by UofM Ann Arbor

Just as an FYI -
My son was deferred and was asked to submit the ECI essay. As I posted in the other UM group (the EA one), when he went to put in his 250 word essay/ECI “letter” the prompt was no longer there. They had deleted it and now it was just a free writing thing. He decided to keep his as is because it was the 250 words after cutting it down already. He wasn’t about to start all over with no prompt.

Do this or call/email /chat if there are questions to clear up.

Yes, you still have a great chance. Not everyone is going to accept due to other offers and finances. But as the waves or rounds go on then your chances lesson.

Good Luck.

MY d18 was deferred OOS COE.

Few questions - Should we get additional letters of recommendation?
Where do we have the transcript uploaded to? The common app or somewhere else?
10 kids from our school were accepted, 3 were deferred, of the 10 only 2 are going, will this hurt or help my D? Her GPA was higher than 5 of the 10, but ACT was lower than all.
On the other thread a few people mentioned
not every kid has to do the essay, what does that mean? Just trying to manage expectations.

Thank everyone!

On the applicant portal it tells you what to do on the left. When you click through in my sons it said eci and he had a box to type the 250 word letter. The transcript in his case was optional and he had his school send it. They don’t want any extra LORs. It’s very specific what they want.

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Do what they ask you to do… But… If the others from your school aren’t going… And you know you will sign the dotted line… See if your school counselor or Principal.would call the Michigan AO and tell them you will commit now. I know this is not typical but some schools have a crazy great relationship with the Michigan Aos especially instate schools. They worst your school can tell you is no. We can’t do that.

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@srparent15 @Knowsstuff my D sent her letter. Fall transcripts were finalized today and submitted by her guidance counselor. Her ranking actually went up two spots. She had a google meet with our principal today. I guess our principal has a procedure for the top 25 kids in the class who are deferred from certain schools.

I still told her not to get her hopes up and start to seriously look at the other schools. If it’s meant to be it will be, if not she will survive!


Great attitude!


Good Luck… Have her look at her top 3 schools that you can afford. Start looking at the programs, Facebook or like groups etc… Nice policy your principal has. That is why I said to ask… But… What do they do exactly??

@Knowsstuff I assume you mean what does our principal do. Meets with the student, discusses goals, weaknesses, strengths, asks why the school is so important, compares it to our state flagship school (which is on par with Michigan) for academic and cost purposes (if the parent wants), then will communicate with the regional admissions officer.


That’s excellent. I have heard of Principals reaching out for certain students before and why not? It helps the schools reputation especially if it’s a feeder school and gets the yield the college wants. Win /Win. Please update.