UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@Roentgen As usual,you are right on!

I do not know, it is mere speculation, but I think the reason the Committee does not want interviewees to write things down is to keep the integrity/confidentiality of the questions. Because you are not asked about yoorself, it is imperative that the questions remain secret, otherwise the next interview date would have students throwing off the results and destroying the validity of the interview process.

PS your “lunch” will not give you any energy, so if you are wise, bring something in the car, and go get it at lunch break (besides the walk will be good for your nerves).

PS On my interview day, an interiewee got there 90 minutes late, the parents could not find whre to park or where the Student Union was located. Not good, do not let that happen to you, go to the garage, see the route you will be taking, adjust your timing for rush hour traffic, etc, and walm to the student union, make it feel like “home.” This step sounds dumb, but I cannot stress enough how important it is for many reasons!

And yes, @Roentgen is 100% correct, UMKC Med School is very big on professionalism! Showing that you do not read directions would be a major “turn off.” During the interview process remember that - follow directions! Do not be the person who does not do as requested in the directions! And, as silly as it sounds, there will be several when you interview who will not follow directions. So remember, think, it is that easy, and you will do well, Be too quick and miss directions and you will hurt yourself. Relax, and think, and you will get a t shirt saying you are in the Class of 2022. And that is cool, way cool.