Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Very interesting read @VaBluebird For those who aren’t vaccinated, the opening up of the US is a bit of a risk. I’m glad it showed the vaccinated are doing well. From the article:

The rosy national figures showing declining case numbers led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to loosen mask recommendations two weeks ago and President Biden to advise people to take off their masks and smile.

*But adjustments for vaccinations ( show the rate among susceptible, unvaccinated people is 73 percent higher than the standard figures being publicized. With that adjustment, the national death rate is roughly the same as it was two months ago and is barely inching down. The adjusted hospitalization rate is as high as it was three months ago. The case rate is still declining after the adjustment.

In the United States, the current case rate for unvaccinated residents is similar to the case rate for all residents on December 31.

Unvaccinated people are getting the wrong message, experts said.

“They think it’s safe to take off the mask. It’s not,” said Lynn Goldman, dean of the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University. “It looks like fewer numbers, looks like it’s getting better, but it’s not necessarily better for those who aren’t vaccinated.”*