What are the popular pre-med majors in UCs and CSUs?


Your child does not need to major in biology or biochemistry to go to med school. My daughters’ classmates in med school had majors that included forestry, gender studies, sociology, English Lit, theology/religious studies, music theory, Italian, enology, business, physics and computer science, as well the more common biology, biochemistry, BME, chemistry, and neuroscience.

So long as your child has fulfilled the admission coursework requirements, they can be considered for admission.

Please be aware that only ~16% of freshmen pre-meds actually persist to complete all med school pre-req classes and of those who do persist and actually apply to med school, only about 36-37% get an acceptance.

Gaining an acceptance to med school involves much, much more than just having good grades and completing the pre-reqs. Students need to embody these 16 Core Competencies

Your child need to have Plan B career in mind when it comes to choosing a major since the odds say they will not get accepted to med school. (This is the same exact advice I gave my own daughters. )

Post-graduation employment for biology majors is not especially good. Biochemistry is better, but a post-graduation job is not guaranteed.