What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

There are things that don’t belong on a dinner plate, even with the greatest culinary skills. Liver and onions…BARF!!


Tuna noodle casserole. Every Friday during Lent. I can’t even think about it without gagging!


Chop Suey. :nauseated_face: (the La Choy stuff out of a can)

Cooked carrots. :nauseated_face:


Canned peas.


Tofu. Still today.


Radishes. Barf, literally.


Second grade. My parents went on a trip and left us with a British babysitter. I opened my lunch at school and my PB&J was actually a peanut butter, jelly and butter sandwich.

Honestly I can’t think of anything. I’m not that picky. There are things I enjoyed eating as a kid I won’t eat today (sardines with mustard on a saltine just like Dad, jello “salad”), but there aren’t things I hated as a kid that I still hate today. I don’t eat meat any more, but other than that my palate has expanded.


I had the misfortune of tasting marmite once at a friend’s home. Yuck!! :nauseated_face:


Two things:

Oatmeal (i can eat oats in any form, except mush)
Milk (I can take it in coffee or on cereal; I cannot drink it straight)


I love my Mom, but for a time, I thought she was trying to poison me. At least once a week there would be some kind of new concoction, that I could only describe as a Hogwart’s potion. Her famous words were, “Just try it!!!” :grimacing:

Not me but husband. Stewed tomatoes! Still won’t eat cooked tomato chunks, has to be puréed


From the age of 12+ I regularly cooked dinner for 5. My mom paid me based on what I produced in the $2-4 range. Homemade pie got me an extra $2!!! I didn’t have to clean up and I mostly did the meal planning.

But when she cooked it was chicken liver. Blech.


Lima beans and Brussel sprouts. Surprised I never choked on the brussel sprouts as I would cut in half and swallow with a big glug of milk.

We never had liver or peas because my father did not like either.

I still don’t like lima beans or Brussel sprouts - just a textural thing I think. I’m not a huge fan of pasty beans like kidney beans either tho I will eat a few in chili. If I am going to eat those kind of beans, I prefer black or cannellini. And though I never had to eat peas as a kid, I don’t mind them as an adult but prefer them as an added ingredient rather than a side serving of just…peas.


My big sister played the let’s-see-what-we-can-get-her-to-eat game with various concoctions from the fridge and cupboard usually on a cracker. I took pride in being willing to try to eat anything since my big sister and her friend were deigning to “play” with me.

In comparison anything my mom made was fine. I would do some weird kid stuff like put Kraft French Dressing on almost anything, though. Made green beans more palatable.

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I liked almost everything my mother cooked, but her idea of how to prepare corn on the cob was to boil them to death in a huge pot of water, until they were all wrinkly and mushy. These were left in the hot water and served at the end of a meal! I was not a fan and usually passed on that.

Normally she cooked everything from scratch-- she even baked all our bread-- but I guess she needed to serve convenience foods now and then. Hence frozen fish sticks, which she baked. I loved fish but those fish sticks had too much batter and too little fish.

I’d have to say liver and onions only because my mom cooked the life out of the liver. Many years later a tried it again in Paris - foie de veau Lyinnaise- it was wonderful!


Liver and onions
Lima beans
Canned peas
Butternut squash - makes me gag
Mashed turnips


My mom made things for Dad that I won’t even tell you about. Thank God none of the rest of us weren’t expected to eat it.

My mother was into health food in the 60s and was taken with a health guru named Gayelord Hauser (yes–he was a real person). So when everyone in the neighborhood was eating TV dinners and Wonder Bread, we had plain yogurt. Back then it wasn’t readily available in the grocery store and my mother had it delivered from a dairy along with skim milk (also not very popular). Hauser also said you should fortify your food with wheat germ and black strap molasses and that sugar was evil. So we never had desserts or soda. I hated all of it. My mother also cooked everything to death. So, it wasn’t one dish that traumatized me, it was most of what we ate. No one ever wanted to swap lunches with me.