WPI Early Decision/Action for Fall 2023

I didn’t see a thread yet so I started one.

WPI offers

Early Decision I/Early Action I:
Apply by November 1, hear by December 15

Early Decision II:
Apply by January 15, hear by February 15

Early Action II:
Apply by January 15, hear by March 1

(Regular Decision: Apply by February 15, hear by April 1)


S23 applied EA I. WPI has the earliest “hear by” date of any of his EA schools. Hopefully people will start to have info for this thread in a few weeks.


Thanks, S23 also did EA to WPI. Good luck!

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My S also did EA to WPI. We really liked the school on our visit.


Thanks for creating this thread! My S23 also applied EA to WPI.


The Dec 15 date will be nice. We need financial aid and I have Jan 15 as the FA notification date. I can’t remember exactly where I got that info, but I think from WPI website.

This won’t apply to many people here, but they say they’ll announce tuition exchange scholarships by early April. They also say they do not allow stacking of merit aid, and they don’t make a TE waitlist. The no stacking thing will likely mean our kid can’t afford it, but there’s a chance he might get enough need-based aid.

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You are right! I did not realize that the financial aid notification date was different than the admission notification date. Early decision applicants will get financial aid package by December 15, but early action applicants say by Jan 15.

I think WPI is a great fit for my son, probably the best of all the schools he is applying to. However, I have heard their financial aid generosity is lacking, and they also use a terrible NPC so there is no way to get a good estimate before applying. (I even spoke to someone in the financial aid office to see if there was any way to get more accurate estimate than the NPC they use, which they admit it is terrible.)

Anyway, financial aid will matter for us, and I think it’s definitely possible the school will end up being too expensive even if my son does get in. :disappointed:

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Not to be a Debbie-Downer, but
high stats DS2022 only got $23K/yr scholarship from WPI, no financial aid.
So COA is still too high for us.
Some girls posted last year that they got a bit more.

It’s my alma mater, we’re about 40 minutes from campus, and son really likes it.

Let me know if you have any questions about my beloved WPI.
Loved my IQP project in Thailand, loved my MQP with a Hartford company where I did my paid summer internship, and got full-time job offer.

Good luck.


Yeah, that is what I’ve heard pretty consistently. In fact, that award is better than most I’ve heard of. It wouldn’t be enough for us either. And since I think they don’t stack merit awards with need based FA, it is a real long shot for S23.

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Thank you for creating the thread! My DD23 applied EA. WPI was the first college she ever toured (last spring) and she loved it. Even now after having visited several other campuses, WPI remains high on her list.

Fingers crossed!


Oh they may indeed stack merit and need-based aid, I don’t actually know. I would think that they do, though perhaps you’ve heard otherwise. They do say that they don’t stack aid (merit, I assume?) with the tuition exchange scholarship, which is only relevant to a handful of people here, including our family.

So even if our kid gets the tuition exchange scholarship ($41K per year), that would leave us with at least $35K remaining for cost of attendance. Our EFC is less than that, so they may give need-based aid to bring it down to our EFC. I don’t have my hopes up though, which is a shame because it seems like such a cool place. Luckily we live close to some other schools which will likely give more aid.


Does anyone know how the Mid Year Report check works if the decisions go out in December? Is the acceptance contingent on what they see mid-year? Mid year for our county in not until February.

WPI is my son’s first choice and of course he waited until the first quarter report card of his senior year to get his first “D”. AP Calculus BC has been a killer. But we fully expect him to turn this around and end up with at least a B in the final grade.

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You’re best off asking his guidance counselor how they handle it. My son is homeschooled, so I have a guidance counselor common app login, and get all the notifications that guidance counselors do. For the “midyear report“ the guidance counselor part of the common app just says to submit it when it is ready, and that schools understand that is different for every high school.

I plan to submit my son’s midyear report in late January, after he has his first semester grades. Your sons high school might do that, but I guess there is some chance they would submit first quarter grades. But asking his guidance counselor would put your mind at ease!

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Did your son apply EA? If so, I don’t think you have to worry much about the mid-year report. You think he’ll manage a B for his semester grade by earning a high grade in 2nd quarter? Is that what you mean? The mid-year report includes an updated transcript and they’ll just see semester grades for 9-11 plus 1st semester of 12th. I don’t think they’d worry about the grades except for a semester F.

He applied EA and that is exactly what I meant. He is more than capable of turning the grade around, just did not ask to prepare for an exam and that product grade brought his grade to a D.

Nothing we can do at this point, just concerned that this grade will derail his chances. As it is, I don’t think we could make WPI work financially, but I still hope he can get in. We toured the campus, and both loved the vibe.

It looks like ED1 results are being released tomorrow (Tuesday December 13, 2022) at 5 PM.

Looks like EA will be sometime later:


OMG tomorrow. Must keep mind occupied for 20 more hours!!!

My DS2022 applied 19 colleges, with 10 of them being Reaches/Lotteries.
I went on SOOOO MANY WALKS the days before and day of Decision days, to distract myself.

On EA decision day for son’s top college, I was supposed to be at his wrestling tournament all day so I could be distracted. But no, I got covid and had to quarantine to just my room. I thought I was going to go out of my mind not refreshing that page over and over.

Good luck!

WPI = my alma mater, and I loved every minute of it!


Just found this on the website. My son applied early action and was hoping we’d hear in December but it seems we have another month to go….

Applying to WPI Early Action is a great way to show your interest in WPI without the full commitment of Early Decision. WPI offers two rounds of Early Action with application deadline of November 1 or January 15. You’ll receive your admission decision by January 15 (November 1 submission) or March 1 (January 15 submission). Applying Early Action does not commit you to the university if accepted.


Yes, it is frustrating because until recently the website said EA1 would be notified of admission by 12/15 but not hear about Fin Aid until 1/15. I’m not sure if the earlier admission notification date was a mistake or if they changed their mind about when to notify. :disappointed: