Your June Checklist: HS Seniors

College is right around the corner, so you just have to tie up a few loose ends and then your higher education experience begins.

1. Plan for the Fall

2. Navigate waitlists

Deep dive into our community’s vast knowledge and expertise and read through more insightful forum discussions from waitlisted students.

3. Apply for housing

Deep dive into our community’s vast knowledge and expertise and read through more insightful forum discussions on housing.

4. Consider your financial aid options

Ask your questions or read through more discussions in our dedicated Financial Aid & Scholarships forum.

Have suggestions or comments? Respond below or edit this post (it is a wiki).

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Applicants should learn to move on from the wait list. Frankly, “Navigate waitlists” should be the last point listed above. Dwelling on the ‘what-if’ is unhealthy and counterproductive. Embrace what you have in hand and prepare for a wonderful experience.