0 EFC working student

<p>I received a 0 EFC for this current year because parents income was under $30,000. Since my parents income was under $30K last year, my income did not factor in to the EFC However my question is regarding next year 2010-2011. My problem is that I am a full-time dependent working student. I am looking at possibly earning ~$15K this year. I am trying to support myself as much as possible since my parents are not able to help me much. My parents may make just over $30,000 this year, ~30,500-31,000. I am wondering if my income will make me ineligible for the Pell Grant next year and if my income will be factored in. My parents have tried to help as much as possible but they are really limited. My father has only been able to hold down a part time job for the last few years due to some mental problems. He is only earning about 7K, my mother is the main support at 23K and she is stretched. I really do not want to give this job up because it is at my college and is directly related to my major. Great job experience! I do not know if I should bring this up with my college or not?
Any advice?</p>

<p>If your parents income is over the income limit and you no longer qualify for the automatic 0 EFC then yes I am afraid your income (assuming it is not work study) will be taken into account when calculating your EFC. Dependent students will have an income protection around $4500 plus a little more in allowances for taxes and FICA etc. After that 50% of income goes to your EFC.</p>

<p>The income ceiling for the automatic 0 *may * change a little for 2010-2011. It is supposed to be linked to some figure but I am not sure what it is or how much, if any, it will change. I am not sure when they actually announce it. So there is a possibility you may be OK. </p>

<p>As your job is at the college is there any chance of getting part of it as a work study job for the rest of the year? Work study income will not affect your EFC.</p>