10 wrong on verbal...700?

<p>will the curve be that generous?</p>

<p>I think that would be about right. Maybe even 12 for 700.</p>

<p>i know i got 2 or 3 analogy and 2 sentence completion wrong, hope i did good on crit reading</p>

<p>What if you missed around 15?</p>

<p>15 for this one would probably be around 660 or 640?</p>

<p>do you mean 10 wrong including the 1/4 decrement(like 8 wrong + 8/2) ? or just 10 wrong +10/4?</p>

<p>what would the probable score be for either of those?</p>

<p>i looked over the 10 real SAT's and most of the tests give like 670-700 for 10+10/4</p>

<p>ok, thanks a lot</p>