100K Here, 17 Mil there, 25 Mil more=Students soon putting feet in New Eng Bldg door!

<p>Virginia</a> Tech announces record gifts | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Wow! I am impressed not only by the older alumni support ($25 million gift- largest ever to the school) but also be the Student Engineers' Council commitment of 100K.</p>

<p>Should be an incredible facility.</p>

<p>Yes, unfortunately it does take a long time to build a facility of this size and complexity.</p>

<p>True, but with that kind of funding, it should help to expediate things. The timeline for groundbreaking is supposedly summer 2011. </p>

<p>On a different note, anyone know when the newest dining facility on the academic side of campus is supposed to open? Are they on schedule with that?</p>

<p>so if the start groundbreaking in this summer when will the building be completed?</p>